
保罗·高更 作品欣赏


Self-portrait. <br>1891. Oil on canvas. Private collection.  Self-portrait.
1891. Oil on canvas. Private collection.
Head of a Woman. <br>c.1891-92. Watercolor on paper. <br>Private collection.   Head of a Woman.
c.1891-92. Watercolor on paper.
Private collection.
Musique barbare. <br>c.1891-93. Watercolor on silk. <br>Private collection.   Musique barbare.
c.1891-93. Watercolor on silk.
Private collection.
Parau Api (What's New?). <br>1892. Oil on canvas. <br>Gemaldegalerie Neue Meister, Dresden, Germany  Parau Api (What's New?).
1892. Oil on canvas.
Gemaldegalerie Neue Meister, Dresden, Germany
Vahine no te vi (Woman with a Mango). <br>1892. Oil on canvas. <br>Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD, USA.  Vahine no te vi (Woman with a Mango).
1892. Oil on canvas.
Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Piti Teina. (Two Sisters). <br>1892. Oil on canvas. <br>Collection of Otto Krebs, Holzdorf. Now in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia  Piti Teina. (Two Sisters).
1892. Oil on canvas.
Collection of Otto Krebs, Holzdorf. Now in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia
Taperaa Mahana. <br>1892. Oil on canvas. <br>Collection of  Otto Krebs, Holzdorf. Now in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.  Taperaa Mahana.
1892. Oil on canvas.
Collection of Otto Krebs, Holzdorf. Now in the Hermitage, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Tahitian Eve. <br>c.1892. Watercolor. <br>Musee de peinture et de Sculpture, Grenoble, France.  Tahitian Eve.
c.1892. Watercolor.
Musee de peinture et de Sculpture, Grenoble, France.
Words of the Devil. <br>c.1892. Pastel. <br>Kupferstichkabinett, Offentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle, Switzerland.  Words of the Devil.
c.1892. Pastel.
Kupferstichkabinett, Offentliche Kunstsammlung, Basle, Switzerland.
Study for "When Will You Marry?" <br><br>c.1892. Pencil, charcoal and pastel. <br>Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.   Study for "When Will You Marry?"

c.1892. Pencil, charcoal and pastel.
Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA.


保罗·高更 保罗·高更(P.Gauguin ,1848-1903),法国画家,与塞尚、梵高被称为后期印象派三大巨匠。起伏多变的生活境遇,以及理想与现实的矛盾,使高更作品的思想内容比较复杂,难于理解。但是,他画中那种强烈而单纯的色彩,粗犷的用笔,和东方绘画风格的装饰性,形成了一种特殊的美感。20世纪以来,随着对原始艺术的再认识与研究日渐盛行,高更的艺术风格影响后来许多艺术家。高更晚年的生活孤独抑郁,其间创作的重要作品《我们从何处来?我们是谁?我们往何处去?》,反映出了他极端苦闷的思想。英国名作家毛姆,曾以高更传记为题,写了一部小说《月亮与六便士》,以艺术的创造(月亮)与世俗的物质文明(六便士/金钱)为对比,象征书中主角的境遇。