
保罗·高更 作品欣赏


《我们朝拜马利亚》--Ia Orana Maria (Hail Mary). <br>1891. Oil on canvas. <br>The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA  《我们朝拜马利亚》--Ia Orana Maria (Hail Mary).
1891. Oil on canvas.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
《精灵在注视》-- Spirit of the Dead Watching <br>1892 ; Oil on burlap mounted on canvas, 72.4 x 92.4 cm; <br>Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY   《精灵在注视》-- Spirit of the Dead Watching
1892 ; Oil on burlap mounted on canvas, 72.4 x 92.4 cm;
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
《静物与三只狗》-- Still Life with Three Puppies<br>1888 (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 88 x 62.5 cm (34 3/4 x 24 5/8 in); <br>The Museum of Modern Art, New York  《静物与三只狗》-- Still Life with Three Puppies
1888 (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 88 x 62.5 cm (34 3/4 x 24 5/8 in);
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
Fatata te miti (Near the Sea). <br>1892. Oil on canvas. <br>The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA  Fatata te miti (Near the Sea).
1892. Oil on canvas.
The National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA
《海边两少女》--Tahitian Women (On the Beach) <br>1891; Oil on canvas, 69 x 91 cm; <br>Musee d'Orsay, Paris   《海边两少女》--Tahitian Women (On the Beach)
1891; Oil on canvas, 69 x 91 cm;
Musee d'Orsay, Paris
《布列塔尼的猪倌》  《布列塔尼的猪倌》 
《画向日葵的凡高》--Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers. <br>1888. Oil on canvas. <br>Rijksmuseum Vincent van Goug, Amsterdam, the Netherlands  《画向日葵的凡高》--Van Gogh Painting Sunflowers.
1888. Oil on canvas.
Rijksmuseum Vincent van Goug, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
《我们从哪里来?我们是谁?我们往哪里去?》<br>--D'où venonsnous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous? (Where Do We come from? What Are We? Where Are We Going?) <br>1897. Oil on canvas. <br>The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA.  《我们从哪里来?我们是谁?我们往哪里去?》
--D'où venonsnous? Que sommes-nous? Où allons-nous? (Where Do We come from? What Are We? Where Are We Going?)
1897. Oil on canvas.
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA.
《黄色的基督》--Le Christ jaune (The Yellow Christ)<br>1889 ; Oil on canvas, 92.1 x 73.4 cm; <br>Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY   《黄色的基督》--Le Christ jaune (The Yellow Christ)
1889 ; Oil on canvas, 92.1 x 73.4 cm;
Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, NY
Adam and Eve. <br>1902. Oil on canvas. <br>Art Museum Ordrupgard, Copenhagen, Denmark.  Adam and Eve.
1902. Oil on canvas.
Art Museum Ordrupgard, Copenhagen, Denmark.


保罗·高更 保罗·高更(P.Gauguin ,1848-1903),法国画家,与塞尚、梵高被称为后期印象派三大巨匠。起伏多变的生活境遇,以及理想与现实的矛盾,使高更作品的思想内容比较复杂,难于理解。但是,他画中那种强烈而单纯的色彩,粗犷的用笔,和东方绘画风格的装饰性,形成了一种特殊的美感。20世纪以来,随着对原始艺术的再认识与研究日渐盛行,高更的艺术风格影响后来许多艺术家。高更晚年的生活孤独抑郁,其间创作的重要作品《我们从何处来?我们是谁?我们往何处去?》,反映出了他极端苦闷的思想。英国名作家毛姆,曾以高更传记为题,写了一部小说《月亮与六便士》,以艺术的创造(月亮)与世俗的物质文明(六便士/金钱)为对比,象征书中主角的境遇。