您的位置:寻梦网首页编程乐园CSS 初步CSS/层叠样式表手册


  1. 本网页声明
  2. WDG网页声明
  3. 关于本网页
  4. 关于WDG


 TV water 168 网页声明

 层叠样式表 ( Cascading Style Sheets,CSS) 手册英文版比较详尽地介绍了CSS,并列出了所有最新的被承认的CSS属性,展示于Web Design Group 网页,由John PozadzidesLiam Quinn维护,所有相关的权利归WDG!
 Copyright © 1997 John Pozadzides and Liam Quinn. All rights reserved.

 本网页所展示的中文版本,是本网页经WDG同意,在其协助下,自行翻译,由Water TangXianzhen Liang维护译文,所有相关的权利都归本网页!欢迎大家向我们提出意见或建议
 版权所有 ©  1998 Water TangXianzhen Liang。 所有权利保留。


  1. 任何人或团体(组织)未经本网页书面允许,不得将本网页中关于CSS的译文的全部或部分用于任何公开或商业场合;
  2. 任何人或团体(组织)如需要引用本网页中关于CSS的译文的全部或部分,必须注明出处,包括英文、译文的维护者,以及本网页的网址;
  3. 本网页并非WDG的成员,故此本网页的任何行为(包括版权、声明)与WDG无关;WDG的任何行为(包括版权、声明)也与本网页无关;


 WDG's Copyright Page / WDG的版权声明


  1. 所有文档只能被用于非商业目的信息提供;
  2. 任何文档或文档的其中一部分的拷贝必须包含版权声明的警告语句;
  3. Web Design Group ( 也称为WDG ) 保留随时撤回上述授权的权力,而且任何上述的使用必须立即停止,直到Web Design Group 或其成员发出书面通知为止。

Except as otherwise indicated any person is hereby authorized to view, copy, print, and distribute this document subject to the following conditions:

  1. The document may be used for informational, non-commercial purposes ONLY.
  2. Any copy of the document or portion thereof must include this copyright notice.
  3. The Web Design Group (hereafter also known as WDG) reserves the right to revoke such authorization at any time, and any such use shall be discontinued immediately upon written notice from the Web Design Group or any of its members.


 关于TV water 168

 TV water 168 网页是一个纯粹的私人网页,网页主人致力于与其他网友分享电视上的乐趣,并在条件允许的情况下提供一些网页的制作技术。网页主人是一个朴素、简单的人,本网页的宗旨也是朴素、简单!在网页建立初期,所提供的内容不多,在以后的日子,网页主人会尽量地利用五兆空间为大家提供更多、更实在的内容,欢迎大家多来、多联络!
 TV water 168 网址由gz168.net 提供,特此鸣谢!


About WDG / 关于WDG

 The Web Design Group was founded to promote the creation of non-browser specific, non-resolution specific, creative and informative sites that are accessible to all users worldwide. To this end, the WDG offers material on a wide range of HTML related topics. We hope that with this site as a reference, you will be able to create Web sites that can be used by every person on the Internet, regardless of browser, platform, or settings.

 WDG is a not-for-profit group of six Web authors with a goal of producing quality Web authoring resources that encourage strong authoring principles.


Copyright © 1998 Water Tang. All rights reserved.
版权所有 ©  1998 Water Tang。保留所有相关权利。