Writing HTML | About | FAQ | References | Tags | Lessons | previous | next |13. You Can Blockquote Me on That!Yet another simple HTML tag for re-arranging your text: "What is going on here?" asked the <blockquote> tag to the <p> and <br> tags. They replied, "We are not sure, but you are very different from us!" ObjectivesAfter this lesson you will be able to:
LessonNote: If you do not have the working documents from the previous lessons, download a copy now. In traditional writing, quotations of three or more sentences are set off from the main text as an indented block of text. HTML also includes this capability via the <blockquote>....</blockquote> tag: <blockquote> "This is a long quotation from a very famous person. Since it is so long and interesting, it should really be set off from the rest of the text. This indicates clearly that the quote is from someone other than the writer." </blockquote> which yields:
Note that we can apply any and all HTML we have learned so far inside of the <blockquote> tags, such as this example: <blockquote> <H2>A Manifesto</H2> This is a <B>long</B> quotation from a <A HREF="http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/alan/"> very famous person</A>. Since it is so long and interesting, it should really be <pre> set off</pre> from the rest of the text. <p> <I>This indicates</I>: <ul> <li>clearly that <li>the quote is from <li>someone other than the writer. </ul> </blockquote> which yields the following:
Let's add a blockquote to the introduction of our Volcano web page. We will use blockquote from the Roman naturalist, Pliny, who witnessed the eruption of the volcano Vesuvius in 79 A.D.
Check Your WorkCompare your web page with a sample of how this document should appear. If your document was different from the sample, review the text you entered in the text editor. ReviewReview topics for this lesson:
Independent PracticeExperiment with the <blockquote> tag in your own web page. Do not just think in terms of using it only for quotations. The tag can be effective for adding some variety to your web page layout. The <blockquote> tag is one way to avoid having many pages full worth of plain text paragraphs. Some developers will use two or three (or more) nested <blockquote> tags to create an effect of wider margins. For example, <BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE> <BLOCKQUOTE>"Oh, for more tags," he lamented. <p>Replied she, "Remember, dear, that while HTML may be limited in terms of control over page layout, there is a great deal of potential in the creative use of the number of tags." </BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> produces:
If had just used one set of <BLOCKQUOTE> ... </BLOCKQUOTE> tags, we would have seen:
You cannot predict the exact amount of spacing this will provide on the sides of the pages, but it is an easy and effective variation for presenting text. Coming Next....Divide a single web page into logical, connected "chunks"... GO TO.... | Lesson Index | previous: "Address Footers and E-Mail Links" | next: "Lumping v.s. Splitting" |
Writing HTML: Lesson 13: Blockquotes |