It is important when copying JavaScript code not to pick up extraneous RETURN characters that you may get by using the versions displayed in the browser window. Use these examples to copy and paste successfully!
Select all of the HTML below, Copy, and then return to your HTML document to Paste the code.
<li><A HREF="term_1.html" onClick="alert('A caldera is a circular shaped landform depression caused by the eruption of a large, near surface body of magma.'); return false">caldera</A> <li><A HREF="term_2.html" onClick="alert('Vesicularity is a measure how much of a rock volume consists of air chambers.'); return false">vesicularity</a> <li><A HREF="term_3.html" onClick="alert('Pahoehoe is a type of basaltic lava flow texture that comes from the Hawaiian word for smooth and ropy.'); return false">pahoehoe</a> <li><A HREF="term_4.html" onClick="alert('Rheology is the study of how materials deform.'); return false">rheology</a> <li><A HREF="term_5.html" onClick='alert("A lahar is a mudslide generated from the flanks of a volcano. Some say it comes from the phrase \"Look Out!\" in the Indonesian language."); return false'>lahar</a>
Writing HTML: Lesson 27a: A Wee Dose of JavaScript
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