Note: If you do not have the working documents from the previous
lessons, download a copy now.
In this lesson we will introduce the basic web form elements that you might use in your pages. They will not actually do anything until the next lesson.
A web page form is defined by a set of <form>....</form> tags where everything in between includes HTML to code the different text fields, buttons, and drop down menus that are used to store selections from the page viewer. You can also have other HTML code inside the form that serve as labels for your form elements.
As an example, look at the source HTML used for the Writing HTML Alumni page. This page includes several different form elements for inputting text. The page layout is defined by using tables to arrange the form elements. The HTML on that page form includes different input elements that as well as the table tags that define their layout.
The bare bones format for writing a form is:
<form action="[url for server program]" method="GET/POST">
(form elements)
We will talk more in the next lesson about the meaning of the options in the <FORM> tag. For now think of the value for ACTION=... as something that tells the browser the location of a script or program that will process the data sent by the browser via the selections in the form. The two values for METHOD=..., POST or GET define one of two ways the data from the form is sent to the program that will process the data.
Now we will review the different form elements you can use. All of the elements inside the <FORM> tags can send some information about their contents and whether or not they have been activated by the web page viewer. Each element includes a defined "type" plus a unique indentifying name for that element. When the form data is sent to the web server, each element sends its name and its current state or value.
NOTE: For this lesson we have created a simple JavaScript alert message to appear when you try the Submit button. If you had entered any text, or changed any selection, the Reset button above will revert them all to their initial state.
We will now create a web page form that uses all of these elements. This is going to be an additional feature of our Volcano Web project portion. The purpose of the form is to provide a place for people who are doing their projects to submit their reports. We could use this in several ways; it could send the reports as email to the instructor, it could write the report data to a file on the web server, or it could generate a formatted web page report for the student which they could then print. There are other things we could do with data sent by a web form and this is but one example.
Hopefully now you will see an advantage of using the frames display we created for this area in lesson 26. We will create one new web page that will display the form in the main display area and we will modify the left side frame that contains the menu of choices to add a link for our new page.
Open the proj_menu.html file in your text editor.
After the HTML code that contains the link information for the "Reference" frames web page, add:
<A HREF="proj_report.html">
<font size=+2 face="arial,helvetica">R</font>EPORT...</A><br>
a form to submit your report
Save this HTMl file.
Now we will begin building the new web page that will contain the form. Create a new file in your text editor and save it as a file named proj_report.html stored in the same directory/folder as your other HTML documents.
To better learn the parts of this document, we will present it one section at a time. The first part of the file contains the "normal" part of our HTML file. Add this to your new file:
<h2 align=center>Report Form</h2>
Now enter the code to mark the beginning of the form. Until the next lesson when we learn how to make it actually do something, we will not be writing the ACTION=... part.
<form method="post">
The report form will be displayed using HTML tables, which are useful for web forms because they allow us to align the text labels and the form elements. We will create a table that has 4 major parts of our form:
Student Information: information about the person filling in the form
Volcano report: A summary of the information they are presenting
Sources: A place for students to provide the web site resources they used
Submit and Clear: The buttons to click to either send or reset the form
Each of these sections will be marked by a large table cell that defines that section of our form.
Add this content to start the table and to write the first section for "Student Information":
<table border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1>
<td colspan=2 bgcolor="#003333"><font size=+3 color=#CCCCCC>
<tt><b>student information</b></font></td>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>name</b></td>
<td valign=top><input type="text" name="name" size="40"><br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>enter your full name</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>email</b></td>
<td valign=top><input type="text" name="email" size="40"><br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>enter an internet contact address</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>password</b></td>
<td valign=top><input type="password" name="pass" size="20"><br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>enter a code to identify you to your instructor</font>
NOTE: We have created a 2 column cell for the text "student information" followed by three table rows that contain text input form fields. We have put the labels for the field in the first column of each row, right aligned. We also provide brief instructions in small, blue text below each form element.
Note how each form element has a unique name. The third form field is actually a password type to shield the code name the user will type in.
Now we will write the second section where the person using this web form will provide their volcano report-- this one uses text input, menu selections, radio buttons, and checkboxes:
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>volcano name</b></td>
<td valign=top><input type="text" name="vname" size="40"><br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>enter the name of the volcano you researched</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>location</b></td>
<td valign=top><input type="text" name="vlat" size="10"> latitude<br>
<input type="text" name="vlong" size="10"> longitude<br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>enter the map coordinates that locate this volcano</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>type</b></td>
<td valign=top>
<select name="vtype">
<option value="select" selected>Select the type...</option>
<option value="Hawaiian">Hawaiian</option>
<option value="Surtseyan">Surtseyan</option>
<option value="Strombolian">Strombolian</option>
<option value="Phreato-Plinian">Phreato-Plinian</option>
<option value="Plinian">Plinian</option>
<font size=2 color=#000099>select the volcano type
(see <a href="term.html" target="_top">volcano terminology</a>)</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>activity</b></td>
<td valign=top>
<input type="radio" name="active" value="active" checked> active
<input type="radio" name="active" value="inactive"> inactive<br>
<input type="text" name="vdate" size="40"><br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>enter the date of last known eruption, if known</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>features</b></td>
<td valign=top>
<input type="checkbox" name="note1" value="danger risk">danger risk to nearby population<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="note2" value="historic eruptions">has erupted in historic time<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="note3" value="observed">has been observed in detail<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="note4" value="explosive eruptions">explosive eruptions<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="note5" value="mild eruptions">mild eruptions<br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>check all that apply</font>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>more info</b></td>
<td valign=top><textarea name="info" rows="12" cols="40" wrap=virtual>
<font size=2 color=#000099>write any other information
that you have learned about this volcano</font>
NOTE: Be sure to compare the format of radio buttons versus check boxes; each radio button in a set has the same name while all of the check boxes have different names.
The third section of the web page form is used for providing resources used in the report through provides three field input fields. Since the data entered will be web site addresses, we can provide an initial VALUE of "http://" for the text input tags:
<td colspan=2 bgcolor="#003333"><font size=+3 color=#CCCCCC>
<td valign=top align=right><tt><b>references</b></td>
<td valign=top><input type="text" name="ref1" size="40" value="http://"><br>
<input type="text" name="ref2" size="40" value="http://"><br>
<input type="text" name="ref3" size="40" value="http://"><br>
<font size=2 color=#000099>provide three web site URLs that you used in your research</font>
The final section of our table/form contains the buttons that will submit the report content in the form and another button that can be used to reset the form to is initial, empty state. It also ends the table, the form, and the rest of the HTML document.
Save and Load the proj.html document in your web browser. The left side of this framed web page should now have a link that you added in step 2 above, that loads the web page form you created in the following steps. The form will not do anything yet, but the buttons, menus, and fields should all be editable.
Check Your Work
Compare your web pages with this sample
of how it should appear. If your pages are different from the sample or the hypertext links do not work correctly, review the text you entered in the text editor.
Review topics for this lesson:
What is the structure of a web page form?
What are the differences in function and HTML coding for radio buttons and check boxes?
How do you create a drop down menu in a web page?
What are the differences between Submit and Reset form buttons?
Independent Practice
Experiment with writing web page form elements to your own web pages. How would you create a web page that has more than one form on it?