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8. Linking it with Anchors

Relax... this lesson is quick and easy! In fact, it is just information for you to read...

What is a URL?

The real power of the web is the ability to create hypertext links to related information. That other information may be other web pages, graphics, sounds, digital movies, animations, software programs, contents of a file server, a log-in session to a remote computer, a software archive, or and "ftp" site.

The World Wide Web uses an addressing scheme known as URLs, or Uniform Resource Locators (sometimes also called "Universal Resource Locator"), to indicate the location of such items. These hypertext links, the ones usually underlined in blue, are known as anchors (This should not be news to you as you followed several to get this far!).

In the next lessons we will:

  • Review the concept of URLs.
  • Find and copy URLs from your web browser to your HTML text document.
  • Write an HTML anchor to link to another document in the samedirectory as our first document.
  • Write an HTML anchor to link to another document in a different directory as our first document.
  • Write an HTML anchor to link to another web document on the Internet.
  • Write an HTML anchor that links to another section of the same document.
  • Incorporate a graphic that acts as a "hyperlink" to another document.

Wow! That sounds like a lot to do! Don't worry -- it is no more complex than what you have done up to this point.

After all, without the hypertext, we would be only calling this "Writing TML" and not Writing HTML

Coming Next....

Using URLs to connect documents together via hypertext links.

GO TO.... | Lesson Index | previous: "Inline Graphics" | next: "Links to Local Files" |

Writing HTML: Lesson 8: Linking it with Anchors
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Maricopa Community Colleges

URL: http://www.mcli.dist.maricopa.edu/tut/tut8.html