
UltraEdit 7.2


从下图可以看到jsp的代码是有颜色的。其实,究竟是什么颜色并不太重要,重要的是可以有颜色,这当然要比notepad强了,而且也比DreamWeaver Ultradev强,

因为我一直没能配置出颜色来,所以在我的dreamweaver ultradev环境中jsp代码和注释一样是灰色的!




在配置页中有许多配置项目,其中Syntax Highlighting可以设置不同语法内容或标记的显示颜色。缺省地,可以支持vb,c/c++,java,html,perl等语言,也可以自定义语言,但需要在下方所示的wordfile.txt中进行手工的配置。


在打开jsp文件后,选择view菜单中的view as highlight file中列出的文件即可,例如,选择java文件,这样jsp文件的颜色就和java文件的设置一样了。不知道为什么,缺省的总是参照了html文件。无法指定所有jsp文件都缺省与java文件一致。(其实,可以在wordfile.txt中直接把java文件的配置copy 到自定义的文件类型即jsp中去,后者干脆在html的设置中再增加一些定义)。这似乎是一个美中不足,但更大的可能是我没有仔细研究实现的方法吧。但是最后我还是不觉得惭愧地想说,有颜色了就行。


Standard Features:
- Disk based text editing
- No limit on file size, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
- Multiple files open and displayed at the same time
- Column mode editing!!!, Insert columns/ delete/ cut/ add sequential
- Drag and Drop Editing
- File sort (with remove duplicates, ignore case, ascending, descending)
- 100,000 word spell checker
- Syntax highlighting - configurable, pre configured for C/C++, VB, HTML
and Java
- Automatic word wrap at specified column with hard return
- Insert file into an existing document at cursor position
- Drag and Drop support from the file manager
- Configurable toolbar
- Splitter windows
- Insert and overstrike modes for editing
- Multi-level undo and redo
- UltraEdit is Windows 3.x CUA compliant
- Find and Replace - Also allows selection of text between caret and
find target when shift key is pressed, Replace all in select area
- Find in Files, Replace In Files
- Goto Line Number/Page Break
- Font Selection for display and printer. (Supports all fonts installed
including TRUE-TYPE fonts)
- Print support with headers, footers, margins and page breaks.
- Automatic Line Indentation
- Tab Settings
- Word Wrap Support
- Hexadecimal Editor - Allows editing of any binary file - HEX Cut,
copy and paste support
- HEX Insert and Delete of characters
- HEX Find, Replace and Replace All
- Bookmarks - Unlimited number of Bookmarks
- Multiple Windows of the same file
- Comprehensive macro support, including saving and loading
- Context Sensitive Help
- Automatic backup file generated with (.BAK) extension in the directory of
the original file
- UltraEdit retains its screen position each time it is used
- Line & column number display (line number display may be disabled)
- Pop-up menus with right mouse button.
- Text conversion to lower or upper case and capitalization.
- Unix/Mac to DOS Conversion
- DOS to Unix conversion
- Auto detect UNIX/Mac files
- Convert Word Wrap to CR/LF's allowing word wrap to be written to file
with hard returns
- Convert CR/LF's to Word Wrap (removes CR/LF's from file)
- Template Support
- More ...
Also: - UltraEdit accepts a command line input and so can be used
to replace NOTEPAD or other editors that are called up from a file
manager by clicking on a file.

v7.20 - Paragraph Alignment/Formatting:
Left, Center, Right, Fill (for fixed pitch fonts)
- Minimize All
- Sort file tabs
- Right click on file and open
- Right click on URL and open
- Selectable OEM character set option for fonts that support it
- Add/Remove line comments to select lines
- Column mode enhancements-select columns and type characters to insert
- INI Option to show filename only in title (not path)
- INI Option to make files that changed and are reloaded the active file
- Always On Top configuration item
- Allow negative numbers and increments for Insert Number function
- Function to copy active file path/name to clipboard
- Project can have separate wordfile
- Project allows files to be relative to project file path
- Alt+Right/Left arrow positions cursor to next/previous paragraph
- Alt+PageUp/PageDown positions cursor to top/bottom of Window
- Shift+Goto selects text to the goto position
- Shift+Next/previous bookmark selects text to the bookmark
- Changing clipboard in a macro is now supported



或者 http://www.ultraedit.com

