Color | Red | Green | Blue |
Black | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Blue | 0 | 0 | 255 |
Dark blue | 0 | 0 | 128 |
Green | 0 | 255 | 0 |
Dark green | 0 | 128 | 0 |
Cyan | 0 | 255 | 255 |
Dark cyan | 0 | 128 | 128 |
Red | 255 | 0 | 0 |
Dark red | 128 | 0 | 0 |
Magenta | 255 | 0 | 255 |
Dark magenta | 128 | 0 | 128 |
Yellow | 255 | 255 | 0 |
Dark yellow | 128 | 128 | 0 |
Dark gray | 128 | 128 | 128 |
Light gray |
192 |
192 |
192 |
White | 255 | 255 | 255 |
The brush class, CBrush, allows you to create brushes that define how areas will be filled in. When you draw shapes that enclose an area and fill in the enclosed area, the outline is drawn with the current pen, and the interior of the area is filled by the current brush. Brushes can be solid colors (specified using the same RGB values as with the pens), a pattern of lines, or even a repeated pattern created from a small bitmap. If you want to create a solid-color brush, you need to specify the color to use:
CBrush lSolidBrush(RGB(255, 0, 0));
To create a pattern brush, you need to specify not only the color but also the pattern to use:
CBrush lPatternBrush(HS_BDIAGONAL, RGB(0, 0, 255));
After you create a brush, you can select it with the device context object, just like you do with pens. When you select a brush, it is used as the current brush whenever you draw something that uses a brush.
As with pens, you can select a number of standard patterns when creating a brush, as shown in Figure 8.2. In addition to these patterns, an additional style of brush, HS_BITMAP, uses a bitmap as the pattern for filling the specified area. This bitmap is limited in size to 8 pixels by 8 pixels, which is a smaller bitmap than normally used for toolbars and other small images. If you supply it with a larger bitmap, it takes only the upper-left corner, limiting it to an 8-by-8 square. You can create a bitmap brush by creating a bitmap resource for your application and assigning it an object ID. After you do this, you can create a brush with it by using the following code:
CBitmap m_bmpBitmap; // Load the image m_bmpBitmap.LoadBitmap(IDB_MYBITMAP); // Create the brush CBrush lBitmapBrush(&m_bmpBitmap);
FIGURE 8.2. Standard brush patterns.
TIP: If you want to create your own custom pattern for use as a brush, you can create the pattern as an 8-by-8 bitmap and use the bitmap brush. This allows you to extend the number of brush patterns far beyond the limited number of standard patterns.
When you want to display images in your applications, you have a couple of options. You can add fixed bitmaps to your application, as resources with object IDs assigned to them and use static picture controls or an ActiveX control that displays images. You can also use the bitmap class, CBitmap, to exercise complete control over the image display. If you use the bitmap class, you can dynamically load bitmap images from files on the system disk, resizing the images as necessary to make them fit in the space you've allotted.
If you add the bitmap as a resource, you can create an instance of the CBitmap class using the resource ID of the bitmap as the image to be loaded. If you want to load a bitmap from a file, you can use the LoadImage API call to load the bitmap from the file. After you load the bitmap, you can use the handle for the image to attach the image to the CBitmap class, as follows:
// Load the bitmap file HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP)::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), m_sFileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); // Attach the loaded image to the CBitmap object. m_bmpBitmap.Attach(hBitmap);
After you load the bitmap into the CBitmap object, you can create a second device context and select the bitmap into it. When you've created the second device context, you need to make it compatible with the primary device context before the bitmap is selected into it. Because device contexts are created by the operating system for a specific output device (screen, printer, and so on), you have to make sure that the second device context is also attached to the same output device as the first.
// Create a device context CDC dcMem; // Make the new device context compatible with the real DC dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(dc); // Select the bitmap into the new DC dcMem.SelectObject(&m_bmpBitmap);
When you select the bitmap into a compatible device context, you can copy the bitmap into the regular display device context using the BitBlt function:
// Copy the bitmap to the display DC dc->BitBlt(10, 10, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, &dcMem, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
You can also copy and resize the image using the StretchBlt function:
// Resize the bitmap while copying it to the display DC dc->StretchBlt(10, 10, (lRect.Width() - 20), (lRect.Height() - 20), &dcMem, 0, 0,
By using the StretchBlt function, you can resize the bitmap so that it will fit in any area on the screen.
When you are preparing to draw some graphics on a window, you can exercise a lot of control over the scale you are using and the area in which you can draw. You can control these factors by specifying the mapping mode and the drawing area.
By specifying the mapping mode, you can control how the coordinates that you specify are translated into locations on the screen. The different mapping modes translate each point into a different distance. You can set the mapping mode by using the SetMapMode device context function:
The available mapping modes are listed in Table 8.2.
Mode | Description |
MM_ANSIOTROPIC | Logical units are converted into arbitrary units with arbitrary axes. |
MM_HIENGLISH | Each logical unit is converted into 0.001 inch. Positive x is to the right, and positive y is up. |
MM_HIMETRIC | Each logical unit is converted into 0.01 millimeter. Positive x is to the right, and positive y is up. |
MM_ISOTROPIC | Logical units are converted into arbitrary units with equally scaled axes. |
MM_LOENGLISH | Each logical unit is converted into 0.01 inch. Positive x is to the right, and positive y is up. |
MM_LOMETRIC | Each logical unit is converted into 0.1 millimeter. Positive x is to the right, and positive y is up. |
MM_TEXT | Each logical unit is converted into 1 pixel. Positive x is to the right, and positive y is down. |
MM_TWIPS | Each logical unit is converted into 1/20 of a point (approximately 1/1440 inch). Positive x is to the right, and positive y is up. |
If you use either the MM_ANSIOTROPIC or MM_ISOTROPIC mapping modes, you can use either the SetWindowExt or SetViewportExt functions to specify the drawing area where your graphics should appear.
To get a good understanding of how you can put all of this information to use, you'll build an application that incorporates a lot of what I've covered so far today. This application will have two independent windows, one with a number of options to choose for the shape, tool, and color to be displayed. The other window will act as a canvas, where all of the selected options will be drawn. The user can select whether to display lines, squares, circles, or a bitmap on the second window. The user can also specify the color and choose whether to display the pen or brush for the circles and squares.
As you have learned by now, the first step in building an application is generating the initial application shell. This shell provides the basic application functionality, displaying your first application dialog, along with all startup and shutdown functionality.
For the application that you will build today, you need to start with a standard dialog-style application shell. You can create this for your application by starting a new AppWizard project, providing a suitable project name, such as Graphics. After you are in the AppWizard, specify that you are creating a dialog-style application. At this point, you can accept all of the default settings, although you won't need ActiveX support, and you can specify a more descriptive window title if you want.
After you make your way through the AppWizard, you're ready to start designing your primary dialog. This window will contain three groups of radio buttons: one group for specifying the drawing tool, the next to specify the drawing shape, and the third to spec-ify the color. Along with these groups of radio buttons, you'll have two buttons on the window: one to open a File Open dialog, for selecting a bitmap to be displayed, and the other to close the application.
To add all these controls to your dialog, lay them out as shown in Figure 8.3 and specify the control properties listed in Table 8.3.
FIGURE 8.3. The main dialog layout.
Object | Property | Setting |
Group Box | ID | IDC_STATIC |
Caption | Drawing Tool |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RTPEN |
Caption | &Pen |
Group | Checked |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RTBRUSH |
Caption | &Brush |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RTBITMAP |
Caption | B&itmap |
Group Box | ID | IDC_STATIC |
Caption | Drawing Shape |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RSLINE |
Caption | &Line |
Group | Checked |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RSCIRCLE |
Caption | &Circle |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RSSQUARE |
Caption | &Square |
Group Box | ID | IDC_STATIC |
Caption | Color |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCBLACK |
Caption | Bl&ack |
Group | Checked |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCBLUE |
Caption | Bl&ue |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCGREEN |
Caption | &Green |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCCYAN |
Caption | Cya&n |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCRED |
Caption | &Red |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCMAGENTA |
Caption | &Magenta |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCYELLOW |
Caption | &Yellow |
Radio Button | ID | IDC_RCWHITE |
Caption | &White |
Command Button | ID | IDC_BBITMAP |
Caption | Bi&tmap |
Command Button | ID | IDC_BEXIT |
Caption | E&xit |
When you finish designing your main dialog, you need to assign one variable to each of the groups of radio buttons. To do this, open the Class Wizard and assign one integer variable to each of the three radio button object IDs there. Remember that only the object IDs for the radio buttons with the Group option checked will appear in the Class Wizard. All of the radio buttons that follow will be assigned to the same variable, with sequential values, in the order of the object ID values. For this reason, it is important to create all of the radio buttons in each group in the order that you want their values to be sequenced.
To assign the necessary variables to the radio button groups in your application, open the Class Wizard and add the variables in Table 8.4 to the objects in your dialog.
Object | Name | Category | Type |
IDC_RTPEN | m_iTool | Value | int |
IDC_RSLINE | m_iShape | Value | int |
IDC_RCBLACK | m_iColor | Value | int |
While you have the Class Wizard open, you might want to switch back to the first tab and add an event-handler function to the Exit button, calling the OnOK function in the code for this button. You can compile and run your application now, making sure that you have all of the radio button groups defined correctly, that you can't select two or more buttons in any one group, and that you can select one button in each group without affecting either of the other two groups.
When you design the main dialog, you'll add the second window that you'll use as a canvas to paint your graphics on. This dialog will be a modeless dialog, which will remain open the entire time the application is running. You will put no controls on the dialog, providing a clean canvas for drawing.
To create this second dialog, go to the Resources tab in the workspace pane. Right-click the Dialogs folder in the resource tree. Select Insert Dialog from the pop-up menu. When the new dialog is open in the window designer, remove all of the controls from the window. After you remove all of the controls, open the properties dialog for the window and uncheck the System Menu option on the second tab of properties. This will prevent the user from closing this dialog without exiting the application. You'll also want to give this dialog window an object ID that will describe its function, such as IDD_PAINT_DLG.
After you finish designing the second dialog, create a new class for this window by opening the Class Wizard. When you try to open the Class Wizard, you'll be asked if you want to create a new class for the second dialog window. Leave this option at its default setting and click the OK button. When asked to specify the name of the new class on the next dialog, give the class a suitable name, such as CPaintDlg, and be sure that the base class is set to CDialog. After you click OK on this dialog and create the new class, you can close the Class Wizard.
NOTE: You need to make sure that the new dialog is selected when you try to open the Class Wizard. If the dialog is not selected, and you've switched to another object, or even some code in your application, the Class Wizard will not know that you need a class for the second dialog in your application.
Now that you have the second dialog defined, you need to add the code in the first dia-log window to open the second dialog. You can accomplish this by adding two lines of code to the OnInitDialog function in the first window's class. First, create the dialog using the Create method of the CDialog class. This function takes two arguments: the object ID of the dialog and a pointer to the parent window, which will be the main dialog. The second function will be the ShowWindow function, passing the value SW_SHOW as the only argument. This function displays the second dialog next to the first dialog. Add a couple of lines of variable initialization to make your OnInitDialog function resemble Listing 8.1.
1: BOOL CGraphicsDlg::OnInitDialog() 2: { 3: CDialog::OnInitDialog(); 4: . . . 27: 28: // TODO: Add extra initialization here 29: 30: /////////////////////// 31: // MY CODE STARTS HERE 32: /////////////////////// 33: 34: // Initialize the variables and update the dialog window 35: m_iColor = 0;
36: m_iShape = 0;
37: m_iTool = 0; 38: UpdateData(FALSE); 39: 40: // Create the second dialog window 41: m_dlgPaint.Create(IDD_PAINT_DLG, this); 42: // Show the second dialog window 43: m_dlgPaint.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); 44: 45: /////////////////////// 46: // MY CODE ENDS HERE 47: /////////////////////// 48: 49: return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control 50: }
Before you can compile and run your application, you'll need to include the header for the second dialog class in the source code for the first dialog. You'll also need to add the second dialog class as a variable to the first--which is a simple matter of adding a member variable to the first dialog class, specifying the variable type as the class type, in this case CPaintDlg, giving the variable the name that you used in Listing 8.1, m_dlgPaint, and specifying the variable access as private. To include the header file in the first dialog, scroll to the top of the source code for the first dialog and add an include statement, as in Listing 8.2.
1: // GraphicsDlg.cpp : implementation file 2: // 3: 4: #include "stdafx.h" 5: #include "Graphics.h" 6: #include "PaintDlg.h" 7: #include "GraphicsDlg.h" 8:
Conversely, you'll need to include the header file for the main dialog in the source code for the second dialog. You can edit this file, PaintDlg.cpp, making the include statements match those in Listing 8.2.
If you compile and run your application, you should see your second dialog window open along with the first window. What you'll also noticed is that when you close the first dialog, and thus close the application, the second dialog window also closes, even though you didn't add any code to make this happen. The second dialog is a child window to the first dialog. When you created the second dialog, on line 41 of the code listing, you passed a pointer to the first dialog window as the parent window for the second window. This set up a parent-child relationship between these two windows. When the parent closes, so does the child. This is the same relationship the first dialog window has with all of the controls you placed on it. Each of those controls is a child window of the dialog. In a sense, what you've done is make the second dialog just another control on the first dialog.
Because all of the radio button variables are declared as public, the second dialog will be able to see and reference them as it needs to. You can place all of the graphic drawing functionality into the second dialog class. However, you do need to place some functionality into the first dialog to keep the variables synchronized and to tell the second dialog to draw its graphics. Accomplishing this is simpler than you might think.
Whenever a window needs to be redrawn (it may have been hidden behind another window and come to the front or minimized or off the visible screen and now in view), the operating system triggers the dialog's OnPaint function. You can place all the functionality for drawing your graphics in this function and make persistent the graphics you display.
Now that you know where to place your code to display the graphics, how can you cause the second dialog to call its OnPaint function whenever the user changes one of the selections on the first dialog? Well, you could hide and then show the second dialog, but that might look a little peculiar to the user. Actually, a single function will convince the second window that it needs to redraw its entire dialog. This function, Invalidate, requires no arguments and is a member function of the CWnd class, so it can be used on any window or control. The Invalidate function tells the window, and the operating system, that the display area of the window is no longer valid and that it needs to be redrawn. You can trigger the OnPaint function in the second dialog at will, without resorting to any awkward tricks or hacks.
At this point, we have determined that all of the radio buttons can use the same functionality on their clicked events. You can set up a single event-handler function for the clicked event on all of the radio button controls. In this event function, you'll need to synchronize the class variables with the dialog controls by calling the UpdateData function and then tell the second dialog to redraw itself by calling its Invalidate function. You can write a single event handler that does these two things with the code in Listing 8.3.
1: void CGraphicsDlg::OnRSelection() 2: { 3: // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here 4: 5: // Synchronize the data 6: UpdateData(TRUE); 7: // Repaint the second dialog 8: m_dlgPaint.Invalidate(); 9: }
You can compile and run your application at this point, and the second dialog redraws itself whenever you choose a different radio button on the main dialog, but you wouldn't notice anything happening. At this point, you are triggering the redraws, but you haven't told the second dialog what to draw, which is the next step in building this application.
The easiest graphics to draw on the second dialog will be different styles of lines because you already have some experience drawing them. What you'll want to do is create one pen for each of the different pen styles, using the currently selected color. After you have created all of the pens, you'll loop through the different pens, selecting each one in turn and drawing a line across the dialog with each one. Before you start this loop, you need to perform a few calculations to determine where each of the lines should be on the dialog, with their starting and stopping points.
To begin adding this functionality to your application, you first add a color table, with one entry for each of the colors in the group of available colors on the first dialog. To create this color table, add a new member variable to the second dialog class, CPaintDlg, and specify the variable type as static const COLORREF, the name as m_crColors[8], and the access as public. Open the source code file for the second dialog class, and add the color table in Listing 8.4 near the top of the file before the class constructor and destructor.
1: const COLORREF CPaintDlg::m_crColors[8] = { 2: RGB( 0, 0, 0), // Black 3: RGB( 0, 0, 255), // Blue 4: RGB( 0, 255, 0), // Green 5: RGB( 0, 255, 255), // Cyan 6: RGB( 255, 0, 0), // Red 7: RGB( 255, 0, 255), // Magenta 8: RGB( 255, 255, 0), // Yellow 9: RGB( 255, 255, 255) // White 10: }; 11: /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 12: // CPaintDlg dialog .
With the color table in place, you can add a new function for drawing the lines. To keep the OnPaint function from getting too cluttered and difficult to understand, it makes more sense to place a limited amount of code in it to determine what should be drawn on the second dialog and then call other more specialized functions to draw the various shapes. With this in mind, you need to create a new member function for the second dialog class for drawing the lines. Declare this as a void function, and specify its declaration as DrawLine(CPaintDC *pdc, int iColor) and its access as private. You can edit this function, adding the code in Listing 8.5.
1: void CPaintDlg::DrawLine(CPaintDC *pdc, int iColor) 2: { 3: // Declare and create the pens 4: CPen lSolidPen (PS_SOLID, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 5: CPen lDotPen (PS_DOT, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 6: CPen lDashPen (PS_DASH, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 7: CPen lDashDotPen (PS_DASHDOT, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 8: CPen lDashDotDotPen (PS_DASHDOTDOT, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 9: CPen lNullPen (PS_NULL, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 10: CPen lInsidePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 11: 12: // Get the drawing area 13: CRect lRect; 14: GetClientRect(lRect); 15: lRect.NormalizeRect(); 16: 17: // Calculate the distance between each of the lines 18: CPoint pStart; 19: CPoint pEnd; 20: int liDist = lRect.Height() / 8; 21: CPen *lOldPen; 22: // Specify the starting points 23: pStart.y = lRect.top; 24: pStart.x = lRect.left; 25: pEnd.y = pStart.y; 26: pEnd.x = lRect.right; 27: int i; 28: // Loop through the different pens 29: for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) 30: { 31: // Which pen are we on? 32: switch (i) 33: { 34: case 0: // Solid 35: lOldPen = pdc->SelectObject(&lSolidPen); 36: break; 37: case 1: // Dot 38: pdc->SelectObject(&lDotPen); 39: break; 40: case 2: // Dash 41: pdc->SelectObject(&lDashPen); 42: break; 43: case 3: // Dash Dot 44: pdc->SelectObject(&lDashDotPen); 45: break; 46: case 4: // Dash Dot Dot 47: pdc->SelectObject(&lDashDotDotPen); 48: break; 49: case 5: // Null 50: pdc->SelectObject(&lNullPen); 51: break; 52: case 6: // Inside 53: pdc->SelectObject(&lInsidePen); 54: break; 55: } 56: // Move down to the next position 57: pStart.y = pStart.y + liDist; 58: pEnd.y = pStart.y; 59: // Draw the line 60: pdc->MoveTo(pStart); 61: pdc->LineTo(pEnd); 62: } 63: // Select the original pen 64: pdc->SelectObject(lOldPen); 65: }
Now you need to edit the OnPaint function so that the OnLine function is called when it needs to be called. Add this function through the Class Wizard as an event-handler function for the WM_PAINT message. You'll notice that the generated code for this function creates a CPaintDC variable instead of the normal CDC class. The CPaintDC class is a descendent of the CDC device context class. It automatically calls the BeginPaint and EndPaint API functions that all Windows applications must call before drawing any graphics during the WM_PAINT event message processing. It can be treated just like a regular device context object, calling all of the same functions.
When you are in the OnPaint function, you need to get a pointer to the parent window so that you can check the values of the variables tied to the groups of radio buttons to determine the color, tools, and shape to be drawn on the second dialog. This information tells you whether to call the DrawLine function or another function that you haven't written yet.
To add this functionality to your application, add an event handler for the WM_PAINT message on the second dialog class, adding the code in Listing 8.6 to the function created in your class.
1: void CPaintDlg::OnPaint() 2: { 3: CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting 4: 5: // TODO: Add your message handler code here 6: 7: // Get a pointer to the parent window 8: CGraphicsDlg *pWnd = (CGraphicsDlg*)GetParent(); 9: // Do we have a valid pointer? 10: if (pWnd) 11: { 12: // Is the tool a bitmap? 13: if (pWnd->m_iTool == 2) 14: { 15: } 16: else // No, we're drawing a shape 17: { 18: // Are we drawing a line? 19: if (pWnd->m_iShape == 0) 20: DrawLine(&dc, pWnd->m_iColor); 21: } 22: } 23: // Do not call CDialog::OnPaint() for painting messages 24:}
At this point, if you compile and run your application, you should be able to draw lines across the second dialog, as shown in Figure 8.4.
FIGURE 8.4. Drawing lines on the second dialog.
Now that you have the basic structure in place, and you can see how you can change what is drawn on the second dialog at will, you are ready to add code to the second dialog to draw the circles and squares. To draw these figures, you use the Ellipse and Rectangle device context functions. These functions will use the currently selected pen and brush to draw these figures at the specified location. With both functions, you pass a CRect object to specify the rectangle in which to draw the specified figure. The Rectangle function fills the entire space specified, and the Ellipse function draws a circle or ellipse where the middle of each side of the rectangle touches the edge of the ellipse. Because these functions use both the pen and brush, you'll need to create and select an invisible pen and invisible brush to allow the user to choose either the pen or the brush. For the pen, you can use the null pen for this purpose, but for the brush, you'll need to create a solid brush the color of the window background (light gray).
When you calculate the position for each of these figures, you need to take a different approach from what you used with the lines. With the lines, you were able to get the height of the window, divide it by 8, and then draw a line at each of the divisions from the left edge to the right edge. With the ellipses and rectangles, you'll need to divide the dialog window into eight even rectangles. The easiest way to do this is to create two rows of figures with four figures in each row. Leave a little space between each figure so that the user can see the different pens used to outline each figure.
To add this functionality to your application, add a new function to the second dialog class. Specify the function type as void, the declaration as DrawRegion(CPaintDC *pdc, int iColor, int iTool, int iShape), and the access as private. Edit the code in this function, adding the code in Listing 8.7.
1: void CPaintDlg::DrawRegion(CPaintDC *pdc, int iColor, int iTool, int ÂiShape) 2: { 3: // Declare and create the pens 4: CPen lSolidPen (PS_SOLID, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 5: CPen lDotPen (PS_DOT, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 6: CPen lDashPen (PS_DASH, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 7: CPen lDashDotPen (PS_DASHDOT, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 8: CPen lDashDotDotPen (PS_DASHDOTDOT, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 9: CPen lNullPen (PS_NULL, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 10: CPen lInsidePen (PS_INSIDEFRAME, 1, m_crColors[iColor]); 11: 12: // Declare and create the brushes 13: CBrush lSolidBrush(m_crColors[iColor]); 14: CBrush lBDiagBrush(HS_BDIAGONAL, m_crColors[iColor]); 15: CBrush lCrossBrush(HS_CROSS, m_crColors[iColor]); 16: CBrush lDiagCrossBrush(HS_DIAGCROSS, m_crColors[iColor]); 17: CBrush lFDiagBrush(HS_FDIAGONAL, m_crColors[iColor]); 18: CBrush lHorizBrush(HS_HORIZONTAL, m_crColors[iColor]); 19: CBrush lVertBrush(HS_VERTICAL, m_crColors[iColor]); 20: CBrush lNullBrush(RGB(192, 192, 192)); 21: 22: // Calculate the size of the drawing regions 23: CRect lRect; 24: GetClientRect(lRect); 25: lRect.NormalizeRect(); 26: int liVert = lRect.Height() / 2; 27: int liHeight = liVert - 10; 28: int liHorz = lRect.Width() / 4; 29: int liWidth = liHorz - 10; 30: CRect lDrawRect; 31: CPen *lOldPen; 32: CBrush *lOldBrush; 33: int i; 34: // Loop through all of the brushes and pens 35: for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) 36: { 37: switch (i) 38: { 39: case 0: // Solid 40: // Determine the location for this figure. 41: // Start the first row 42: lDrawRect.top = lRect.top + 5; 43: lDrawRect.left = lRect.left + 5; 44: lDrawRect.bottom = lDrawRect.top + liHeight; 45: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 46: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 47: lOldPen = pdc->SelectObject(&lSolidPen); 48: lOldBrush = pdc->SelectObject(&lSolidBrush); 49: break; 50: case 1: // Dot - Back Diagonal 51: // Determine the location for this figure. 52: lDrawRect.left = lDrawRect.left + liHorz; 53: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 54: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 55: pdc->SelectObject(&lDotPen); 56: pdc->SelectObject(&lBDiagBrush); 57: break; 58: case 2: // Dash - Cross Brush 59: // Determine the location for this figure. 60: lDrawRect.left = lDrawRect.left + liHorz; 61: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 62: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 63: pdc->SelectObject(&lDashPen); 64: pdc->SelectObject(&lCrossBrush); 65: break; 66: case 3: // Dash Dot - Diagonal Cross 67: // Determine the location for this figure. 68: lDrawRect.left = lDrawRect.left + liHorz; 69: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 70: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 71: pdc->SelectObject(&lDashDotPen); 72: pdc->SelectObject(&lDiagCrossBrush); 73: break; 74: case 4: // Dash Dot Dot - Forward Diagonal 75: // Determine the location for this figure. 76: // Start the second row 77: lDrawRect.top = lDrawRect.top + liVert; 78: lDrawRect.left = lRect.left + 5; 79: lDrawRect.bottom = lDrawRect.top + liHeight; 80: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 81: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 82: pdc->SelectObject(&lDashDotDotPen); 83: pdc->SelectObject(&lFDiagBrush); 84: break; 85: case 5: // Null - Horizontal 86: // Determine the location for this figure. 87: lDrawRect.left = lDrawRect.left + liHorz; 88: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 89: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 90: pdc->SelectObject(&lNullPen); 91: pdc->SelectObject(&lHorizBrush); 92: break; 93: case 6: // Inside - Vertical 94: // Determine the location for this figure. 95: lDrawRect.left = lDrawRect.left + liHorz; 96: lDrawRect.right = lDrawRect.left + liWidth; 97: // Select the appropriate pen and brush 98: pdc->SelectObject(&lInsidePen); 99: pdc->SelectObject(&lVertBrush); 100: break; 101: } 102: // Which tool are we using? 103: if (iTool == 0) 104: pdc->SelectObject(lNullBrush); 105: else 106: pdc->SelectObject(lNullPen); 107: // Which shape are we drawing? 108: if (iShape == 1) 109: pdc->Ellipse(lDrawRect); 110: else 111: pdc->Rectangle(lDrawRect); 112: } 113: // Reset the original brush and pen 114: pdc->SelectObject(lOldBrush); 115: pdc->SelectObject(lOldPen); 116:}
Now that you have the capability to draw the circles and squares in the second dialog, you'll need to call this function when the user has selected either of these two figures with either a pen or a brush. To do this, add the two lines starting at line 21 in Listing 8.8 to the OnPaint function.
1: void CPaintDlg::OnPaint() 2: { 3: CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting 4: 5: // TODO: Add your message handler code here 6: 7: // Get a pointer to the parent window 8: CGraphicsDlg *pWnd = (CGraphicsDlg*)GetParent(); 9: // Do we have a valid pointer? 10: if (pWnd) 11: { 12: // Is the tool a bitmap? 13: if (pWnd->m_iTool == 2) 14: { 15: } 16: else // No, we're drawing a shape 17: { 18: // Are we drawing a line? 19: if (m_iShape == 0) 20: DrawLine(&dc, pWnd->m_iColor); 21: else // We're drawing a ellipse or rectangle 22: DrawRegion(&dc, pWnd->m_iColor, pWnd->m_iTool, ÂpWnd->m_iShape); 23: } 24: } 25: // Do not call CDialog::OnPaint() for painting messages 26:}
Now you should be able to compile and run your application and display not only lines, but also squares and circles, switching between displaying the outlines and the filled-in figure without any outline, as shown in Figure 8.5.
FIGURE 8.5. Drawing rectangles on the second dialog.
Now that you can draw various graphic images on the second dialog window, all that's left is to add the functionality to load and display bitmaps. You could easily add the bitmaps to the resources in the application, give them their own object IDs, and then use the LoadBitmap and MAKEINTRESOURCE functions to load the bitmap into a CBitmap class object, but that isn't extremely useful when you start building your own applications. What would be really useful is the ability to load bitmaps from files on the computer disk. To provide this functionality, you use the LoadImage API function to load the bitmap images into memory and then attach the loaded image to the CBitmap object.
To do this in your application, you can attach a function to the bitmap button on the first dialog that displays the File Open dialog to the user, allowing the user to select a bitmap to be displayed. You'll want to build a filter for the dialog, limiting the available files to bitmaps that can be displayed in the second dialog. After the user selects a bitmap, you'll get the file and path name from the dialog and load the bitmap using the LoadImage function. When you have a valid handle to the bitmap that was loaded into memory, you'll delete the current bitmap image from the CBitmap object. If there was a bitmap loaded into the CBitmap object, you'll detach the CBitmap object from the now deleted image. After you make sure that there isn't already an image loaded in the CBitmap object, you attach the image you just loaded into memory, using the Attach function. At this point, you want to invalidate the second dialog so that if it's displaying a bitmap, it displays the newly loaded bitmap.
To support this functionality, you need to add a string variable to hold the bitmap name, and a CBitmap variable to hold the bitmap image, to the first dialog class. Add these two variables as listed in Table 8.5.
Name | Type | Access |
m_sBitmap | CString | Public |
m_bmpBitmap | CBitmap | Public |
After you add the variables to the first dialog class, add an event-handler function to the clicked event of the Bitmap button using the Class Wizard. After you add this function, edit it, adding the code in Listing 8.9.
1: void CGraphicsDlg::OnBbitmap() 2: { 3: // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here 4: 5: // Build a filter for use in the File Open dialog 6: static char BASED_CODE szFilter[] = "Bitmap Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp||"; 7: // Create the File Open dialog 8: CFileDialog m_ldFile(TRUE, ".bmp", m_sBitmap, 9: OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT, szFilter); 10: 11: // Show the File Open dialog and capture the result 12: if (m_ldFile.DoModal() == IDOK) 13: { 14: // Get the filename selected 15: m_sBitmap = m_ldFile.GetPathName(); 16: // Load the selected bitmap file 17: HBITMAP hBitmap = (HBITMAP) ::LoadImage(AfxGetInstanceHandle(), 18: m_sBitmap, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, 19: LR_LOADFROMFILE | LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); 20: 21: // Do we have a valid handle for the loaded image? 22: if (hBitmap) 23: { 24: // Delete the current bitmap 25: if (m_bmpBitmap.DeleteObject()) 26: // If there was a bitmap, detach it 27: m_bmpBitmap.Detach(); 28: // Attach the currently loaded bitmap to the bitmap object 29: m_bmpBitmap.Attach(hBitmap); 30: } 31: // Invalidate the second dialog window 32: m_dlgPaint.Invalidate(); 33: } 34: }
Now that you can load bitmaps into memory, you need to display them for the user. You need to copy the bitmap from the CBitmap object to a BITMAP structure, using the GetBitmap function, which will get the width and height of the bitmap image. Next, you'll create a new device context that is compatible with the screen device context. You'll select the bitmap into the new device context and then copy it from this second device context to the original device context, resizing it as it's copied, using the StretchBlt function.
To add this functionality to your application, add a new member function to the second dialog class. Specify the function type as void, the function declaration as ShowBitmap(CPaintDC *pdc, CWnd *pWnd), and the function access as private. Edit the function, adding the code in Listing 8.10.
NOTE: Notice that you have declared the window pointer being passed in as a pointer to a CWnd object, instead of the class type of your main dialog. To declare it as a pointer to the class type of the first dialog, you'd need to declare the class for the first dialog before the class declaration for the second dialog. Meanwhile, the first dialog requires that the second dialog class be declared first. This affects the order in which the include files are added to the source code at the top of each file. You cannot have both classes declared before the other; one has to be first. Although there are ways to get around this problem, by declaring a place holder for the second class before the declaration of the first class, it's easier to cast the pointer as a pointer to the first dialog class in the function in this instance. To learn how to declare a place holder for the second class, see Appendix A, "C++ Review."
1: void CPaintDlg::ShowBitmap(CPaintDC *pdc, CWnd *pWnd) 2: { 3: // Convert the pointer to a pointer to the main dialog class 4: CGraphicsDlg *lpWnd = (CGraphicsDlg*)pWnd; 5: BITMAP bm; 6: // Get the loaded bitmap 7: lpWnd->m_bmpBitmap.GetBitmap(&bm); 8: CDC dcMem; 9: // Create a device context to load the bitmap into 10: dcMem.CreateCompatibleDC(pdc); 11: // Select the bitmap into the compatible device context 12: CBitmap* pOldBitmap = (CBitmap*)dcMem.SelectObject Â(lpWnd->m_bmpBitmap); 13: CRect lRect; 14: // Get the display area available 15: GetClientRect(lRect); 16: lRect.NormalizeRect(); 17: // Copy and resize the bitmap to the dialog window 18: pdc->StretchBlt(10, 10, (lRect.Width() - 20), 19: (lRect.Height() - 20), &dcMem, 0, 0, 20: bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, SRCCOPY); 21: }
Now that you have the ability to display the currently selected bitmap on the dialog, you'll need to add the functionality to call this function to the OnPaint function in the second dialog. You can determine whether a bitmap has been specified by checking the value of the m_sBitmap variable on the first dialog. If this string is empty, there is no bitmap to be displayed. If the string is not empty, you can call the ShowBitmap function. To add this last bit of functionality to this application, edit the OnPaint function, adding lines 15 through 18 from Listing 8.11.
1: void CPaintDlg::OnPaint() 2: { 3: CPaintDC dc(this); // device context for painting 4: 5: // TODO: Add your message handler code here 6: 7: // Get a pointer to the parent window 8: CGraphicsDlg *pWnd = (CGraphicsDlg*)GetParent(); 9: // Do we have a valid pointer? 10: if (pWnd) 11: { 12: // Is the tool a bitmap? 13: if (pWnd->m_iTool == 2) 14: { 15: // Is there a bitmap selected and loaded? 16: if (pWnd->m_sBitmap != "") 17: // Display it 18: ShowBitmap(&dc, pWnd); 19: } 20: else // No, we're drawing a shape 21: { 22: // Are we drawing a line? 23: if (m_iShape == 0) 24: DrawLine(&dc, pWnd->m_iColor); 25: else // We're drawing a ellipse or rectangle 26: DrawRegion(&dc, pWnd->m_iColor, pWnd->m_iTool, 27: pWnd->m_iShape); 28: } 29: } 30: // Do not call CDialog::OnPaint() for painting messages 31:}
At this point, you should be able to select a bitmap from your system and display it in the second dialog, as shown in Figure 8.6.
FIGURE 8.6. Showing a bitmap in the second dialog.
What a way to start the week! You learned a lot today. You learned how Windows uses device context objects to allow you to draw graphics in the same way every time, without having to worry about what hardware users might have in their computers. You learned about some of the basic GDI objects, such as pens and brushes, and how they are used to draw figures on windows and dialogs. You also learned how you can load bitmaps from the system disk and display them onscreen for the user to see. You learned about the different pen and brush styles and how you can use these to draw the type of figure you want to draw. You also learned how you can specify colors for use with pens and brushes so that you can control how images appear to the user.
The Workshop provides quiz questions to help you solidify your understanding of the material covered and exercises to provide you with experience in using what you've learned. The answers to the quiz questions and exercises are provided in Appendix B, "Answers."