abnormal end of task (abend)
The termination of a task, job, or subsystem
because of an error condition that recovery facilities cannot resolve
during execution.
abnormal termination |
(1) A system failure or operator action that causes a job to end unsuccessfully.
(2) In DB2, exits that are not under program control, such as a trap
or segv.
absolute path |
The full path name of an object. Absolute path names begin at the highest
level, or "root" directory (which is identified by the forward slash
(/) or back slash (\) character).
access path |
(1) The method that is selected by the optimizer for retrieving data
from a specific table. For example, an access path can involve the use
of an index, a sequential scan, or a combination of the two. (2) The
path that is used to locate data that is specified in SQL statements.
An access path can be indexed or sequential.
access plan |
The set of access paths that are selected by the optimizer to evaluate
a particular SQL statement. The access plan specifies the order of operations
to resolve the execution plan, the implementation methods (such as JOIN),
and the access path for each table referenced in the statement.
active log |
The primary and secondary log files that are currently needed for
recovery and rollback. Contrast with archive log.
administrative authority |
A level of authority that gives a user privileges over a set of objects.
For example, DBADM authority gives privileges over all objects in a
database, and SYSADM authority gives privileges over all objects in
a system.
See Tivoli Storage Manager.
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN)
An extension to SNA that features distributed network control, dynamic
definition of network resources, and automated resource registration
and directory lookup.
Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN)
network |
A collection of interconnected network nodes and their client end nodes.
Advanced program-to-program communication
(APPC) |
The general facility that characterizes the LU 6.2 architecture and
its various implementations in products.
agent |
A separate process or thread that carries out all DB2 requests that
are made by a particular client application.
aggregate function |
Synonym for column function.
alert |
An action, such as a beep or warning, that is generated when a performance
variable exceeds or falls below its warning or alarm threshold.
alias |
An alternative name used to identify a table, view, database, or nickname.
allocated cursor |
A cursor that is defined for stored procedure result sets by using
the SQL statement ALLOCATE CURSOR.
ambiguous cursor |
(1) A cursor that cannot be determined to be updatable or read-only
from its definition or context.
(2) A database cursor that is not defined with the FOR FETCH ONLY clause
or the FOR UPDATE OF clause, is not defined on a read-only result table,
is not the target of a WHERE CURRENT clause on an SQL UPDATE or DELETE
statement, and is in a plan or package that contains either PREPARE
(ANSI) - An |
organization consisting of producers, consumers, and general
interest groups, that establishes the procedures by which
accredited organizations create and maintain voluntary industry
standards in the United States.
American National Standards Institute.
See application programming interface.
See advanced program-to-program communication.
application |
A program or set of programs that performs a task; for example, a payroll
application ID |
A string that uniquely identifies an application across networks. An
ID is generated at the time that the application connects to the database.
This ID is known on both the client and the server and can be used to
correlate the two parts of the application.
application process |
The unit to which resources and locks are allocated. An application
process involves the running of one or more programs.
application programming interface
(API) |
(1) A functional interface supplied by the operating system or by a
separately orderable licensed program. An API allows an application
program that is written in a high-level language to use specific data
or functions of the operating system or the licensed programs.
(2) In DB2, a function within the interface, for example, the get error
message API.
application requester |
A facility that accepts a database request from an application process
and passes it to an application server.
application server |
The local or remote database manager to which the application process
is connected.
Apply program |
In DB2 replication, a program that is used to refresh or update a target
table, depending on the applicable source-to-target rules. Contrast
with Capture program and Capture trigger.
See Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking
archive log |
The set of log files that are closed and are no longer needed for normal
processing. These files are retained for use in roll-forward recovery.
Contrast with active log.
argument |
A value passed to or returned from a function or procedure at run time.
asynchronous |
Without regular time relationship; unexpected and unpredictable with
respect to the processing of program instructions. Contrast with synchronous.
attach |
In DB2, to remotely access objects at the instance level.
attribute |
In SQL database design, a characteristic of an entity. For example,
the phone number of an employee is one of that employee's attributes.
authority |
See administrative authority.
authorization ID |
A character string in a statement that designates a set of privileges.
It is used by the database manager for authorization checking and as
an implicit qualifier for the names of objects such as tables, views,
and indexes.
autocommit |
To automatically commit the current unit of work after each SQL statement.
automatic rebind |
(1) A feature that automatically rebinds an invalidated package without
requiring a bind command to be entered manually or a bind file to be
(2) In DB2 UDB a process by which SQL statements are bound automatically
(without a user issuing a BIND command) when an application process
begins execution and the bound application plan or package it requires
is not valid. See also bind.
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binary large object
(BLOB) |
A sequence of bytes with a size ranging from 0 bytes to 2 gigabytes.
This string does not have an associated code page and character set.
Image, audio, and video objects are stored in BLOBs. Compare to character
large object (CLOB).
bind |
In SQL, the process by which the output from the SQL precompiler is
converted to a usable structure called an access plan. During this process,
access paths to the data are selected and some authorization checking
is performed.
bind file |
A file produced by the precompiler when the bind command or API is
used with the BINDFILE option. This file includes information about
all SQL statements in the application program.
bit data |
Data with character type CHAR or VARCHAR that is not associated with
a coded character set and therefore is never converted.
See binary large object.
block |
A string of data elements recorded or transmitted as a unit.
An option that is specified when binding an application. It allows
caching of multiple rows of information by the communications subsystem
so that each FETCH statement does not require the transmission of one
row for each request across the network. Contrast with data blocking.
pool |
Main storage that is reserved to satisfy the buffering requirements
for one or more table spaces.
built-in function
An SQL function that is provided
by DB2 and appears in the SYSIBM schema. Contrast with user-defined
byte reversal
A technique in which numeric
data is stored with the least significant byte first
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A buffer that contains frequently accessed instructions and data; it
is used to reduce access time.
caching |
The process of storing frequently used results from a request to the
Web server locally for quick retrieval, until it is time to refresh
the information.
call level interface
(CLI) |
A callable API for database access, which is an alternative to an embedded
SQL API. In contrast to embedded SQL, the CLI does not require precompiling
or binding by the user, but instead provides a standard set of functions
to process SQL statements and related services at run time.
Capture program
In DB2 replication, a program that reads database log or journal records
to capture data about changes made to DB2 source tables. Contrast with
Apply program and Capture trigger.
Capture trigger
In DB2 replication, a mechanism that captures delete, update, and insert
operations performed on non-IBM source tables. Contrast with Capture
program and Apply program.
The number of rows in a database table
cascade delete |
The way in which DB2 UDB enforces referential constraints when it deletes
all descendent rows of a deleted parent row.
CASE expression |
An expression that allows another expression to be selected based on
the evaluation of one or more conditions.
cast function |
A function used to convert instances of a data type (origin) into instances
of a different data type (target). In general, cast functions have the
name of the target data type. They have a single argument whose type
is the origin data type; their return type is the target data type.
catalog |
A set of tables and views maintained by the database manager. These
tables and views contain information about the database, such as descriptions
of tables, views, and indexes.
catalog table
Any table in the DB2 UDB catalog.
character large object (CLOB)
A sequence of characters (single-byte, multibyte, or both) up to 2
gigabytes. A CLOB can be used to store large text objects. Also called
character large object string. Compare to binary large object (BLOB).
character string
A sequence of bytes or characters.
character string
delimiter |
The characters used to enclose character strings in delimited ASCII
files that are imported or exported. See delimiter.
CHECK clause |
In SQL, an extension to the SQL CREATE TABLE and SQL ALTER TABLE statements that specifies a table check constraint.
condition |
A restricted form of search condition used in check constraints.
check constraint
A constraint that specifies a check condition that is not false for
each row of the table on which the constraint is defined.
check pending |
A state into which a table can be put where only limited activity is
allowed on the table and constraints are not checked when the table
is updated.
circular log |
A database log in which records are overwritten if they are no longer
needed by an active database. Consequently, if a failure occurs, lost
data cannot be restored during forward recovery. Contrast with recoverable
See call level interface
client |
(1) Any program (or workstation that it is running on) that communicates
with and accesses a database server.
(2) See requester.
See character large object
See Command Line Processor.
column distribution value |
Statistics describing the most frequent values of some column or the
quantile values. These values are used in the optimizer to help determine
the best access plan.
column function |
(1) An operation used in queries that applies to the values from several
rows. Column functions include SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, COUNT, STDDEV, and
VARIANCE. Synonym for aggregate function.
(2) An SQL operation that derives its result from a collection of values
across one or more rows. Contrast with scalar function.
A DB2 operator command. A command is distinct from an SQL statement.
Command Line Processor
(CLP) |
A character-based interface for entering SQL statements and database
manager commands.
The operation that ends a unit of work by releasing locks so that the
database changes made by that unit of work can be perceived by other
processes. This operation makes the data changes permanent.
commit point |
A point in time when data is considered to be
consistent. Synonym for point of consistency.
Common Programming Interface Communications (CPI-C)
An API for applications that require program-to-program communication,
using SNA LU 6.2 to create a set of interprogram services.
common table expression
An expression that defines a result table with a name (qualified SQL
identifier) that can be specified as a table name in any FROM clause
in the fullselect that follows the WITH clause
comparison operator
An infix operator used in comparison expressions. Comparison operators
are ¬< (not less than), <= (less than or equal to), ¬=
(not equal to), = (equal to), >= (greater than or equal to), >
(greater than), and ¬> (not greater than).
composite key |
An ordered set of key columns of the same table.
compound SQL statement
A block of SQL statements that are executed in a single call to the
application server.
The shared use of resources by multiple interactive users or application
processes at the same time.
In DB2, to access objects at the database level.
(1) An association between an application process
and an application server.
(2) In data communications, an association established between functional
units for conveying information.
(3) In SNA, the existence of a communication path between two partner
LUs that allows information to be exchanged.
connection handle |
Within the CLI, the data object that contains information associated
with a connection. This information includes general status information,
transaction status, and diagnostic information.
consistency token
A timestamp that is used to generate the version identifier for an
A language element that specifies an unchanging value. Constants are
classified as string constants or numeric constants. Contrast with variable.
constraint |
A rule that limits the values that can be inserted, deleted, or updated
in a table. See check constraint, referential constraint, and unique
See table space container.
contention |
In the database manager, a situation in which a transaction attempts
to lock a row or table that is already locked.
Control Center
A graphical interface that shows database objects (such as databases
and tables) and their relationship to each other. From the Control Center,
you can perform the tasks provided by the DBA Utility, Visual Explain,
and Performance Monitor tools.
control privilege
The authority to completely control an object. This includes the authority
to access, drop, or alter an object, and the authority to extend or
revoke privileges on the object to other users.
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
Synonym for Greenwich Mean Time.
coordinating agent
The agent that is started when a request is received by the database
manager from an application. It remains associated with the application
during the life of the application. This agent coordinates subagents
that work for the application. See also subagent.
correlated columns
In SQL, a relationship between the value of one column and the value
of another column.
correlated reference
A reference to a column of a table that is outside a subquery.
correlated subquery
A subquery that contains a correlated reference to a column of a table
that is outside the subquery.
correlation name
An identifier designating a table or view within a single SQL statement.
It can be defined in any FROM clause or in the first clause of an UPDATE
or DELETE statement.
country code |
When accessing the database, the country code of the application is
used to determine the date and time presentation (display and print)
formats. It is also used with the code page to determine the default
collating sequence for the database.
See Common Programming Interface Communications.
crash recovery |
The process of recovering from an immediate failure.
CS |
See cursor stability.
current function path
An ordered list of schema names used in the resolution of unqualified
references to functions and data types. In dynamic SQL, the current
function path is found in the CURRENT FUNCTION PATH special register.
In static SQL, it is defined in the FUNCPATH option for PREP and BIND
current working directory
The default directory of a process from which all relative path names
are resolved.
A named control structure used by an application program to point to
a specific row within some ordered set of rows. The cursor is used to
retrieve rows from a set.
cursor stability (CS)
An isolation level that locks any row accessed by a transaction of
an application while the cursor is positioned on the row. The lock remains
in effect until the next row is fetched or the transaction is terminated.
If any data is changed in a row, the lock is held until the change is
committed to the database.
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Database Application Remote Interface. Obsolete term for stored procedure.
area |
A memory area used by a program to hold information.
administrator (DBA) |
A person who is responsible for the design, development, operation,
safeguarding, maintenance, and use of a database.
Application Remote Interface (DARI) |
Obsolete term for stored procedure.
client |
A workstation used to access a database that is on a database server.
connection services (DCS) directory |
A directory that contains entries for remote databases and the corresponding
application requester used to access them.
directory |
A directory that contains database access information for all databases
to which a client can connect.
engine |
The part of the database manager providing the base functions and configuration
files needed to use the database.
log |
A set of primary and secondary log files consisting of log records
that record all changes to a database. The database log is used to roll
back changes for units of work that are not committed and to recover
a database to a consistent state.
space (DMS) table space |
A table space whose space is managed by the database. Contrast with
system-managed space (SMS) table space.
management system (DBMS) |
Synonym for database manager.
manager |
A computer program that manages data by providing the services of centralized
control, data independence, and complex physical structures for efficient
access, integrity, recovery, concurrency control, privacy, and security.
database manager instance
A logical database manager environment similar to an image of the actual
database manager environment. You can have several instances of the
database manager product on the same workstation. You can use these
instances to separate the development environment from the production
environment, tune the database manager to a particular environment,
and protect sensitive information from a particular group of people.
object |
Anything that can be created or manipulated with SQL--for example,
tables, views, indexes, packages, triggers, or table spaces.
server |
A functional unit that provides database services for databases.
database system monitor
A collection of programming APIs that monitor performance and status
information about the database manager, databases, and applications
using the database manager and DB2 Connect.
data definition language (DDL)
A language for describing data and its relationships in a database.
Synonym for data description language.
description language |
Synonym for data definition language.
A separately available product that provides client applications integrated
access to distributed data and provides a single database image of a
heterogeneous environment. With DataJoiner, a client application can
join data (using a single SQL statement) that is distributed across
multiple database management systems or update a single remote data
source as if the data were local.
A DB2 data type that enables logical references from the database to
a file stored outside the database.
manipulation language (DML) |
A subset of SQL statements used to manipulate data.
A subset of a data warehouse that contains data tailored for the specific
needs of a department or team. A datamart can be a subset of a warehouse
for your entire organization, such as data contained in OLAP tools.
type |
In SQL, an attribute of columns, literals, host variables, special
registers, and the results of functions and expressions.
A three-part value that designates a day, month, and year.
duration |
A DECIMAL(8,0) value that represents a number of years, months, and
datetime value
A value of the data type DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP.
See database administrator.
See double-byte character large object.
See double-byte character set.
Database management system. See database manager.
instance connection |
A logical connection between an application and an agent process or
thread owned by a DB2 instance.
DB2 Call Level Interface. An alternative SQL interface for the DB2
family of products that takes full advantage of DB2 capability.
command |
An instruction to DB2 allowing a user to start or stop DB2 UDB, to
display information on current users, to display information on the
status of databases, and so on.
Connect |
A product that provides the function necessary (DRDA application requester
support) for client applications to read and update data stored in DRDA
application servers.
DB2 extender
A program that you can use to store and retrieve data types beyond
the traditional numeric and character data, such as image, audio, and
video data, and complex documents.
See DB2 Application Development Client.
DB2 Application Development Client (DB2 SDK)
A collection of tools that help developers create database applications.
An optional, user-written executable program that the database manager
invokes to move or retrieve archive log files.
See Distributed Computing Environment.
DCE ticket
A transparent application mechanism that transmits the identity of
an initiating principal to its target. A simple ticket contains the
principal's identity, a session key, a timestamp, and other information,
which is sealed using the target's secret key.
See declarations generator.
See data definition language.
A condition under which a transaction cannot proceed because it is
dependent on exclusive resources that are locked by some other transaction,
which in turn is dependent on exclusive resources in use by the original
deadlock detector
A process within the database manager that monitors the states of the
locks to determine if a deadlock condition exists. When a deadlock condition
is detected, the detector stops one of the transactions involved in
the deadlock. This transaction is rolled back and the other transactions
declarations generator (DCLGEN)
A subcomponent of DB2 UDB that generates SQL table declarations and
COBOL, C, or Java data structure declarations that conform to the table.
The declarations are generated from DB2 UDB system catalog information.
deferred embedded SQL
SQL statements that are neither fully static nor fully dynamic. Like
static statements, they are embedded within an application, but like
dynamic statements, they are prepared during the execution of the application.
degree of parallelism
The number of concurrently executed operations that are initiated to
process a query.
In SQL, a table that is a dependent of table P or a dependent of a
table to which delete operations from table P cascade.
delete rule
A rule associated with a referential constraint that either restricts
the deletion of a parent row or specifies the effect of such a deletion
on the dependent rows.
delete trigger
A trigger that is defined with the triggering SQL operation DELETE.
delimited identifier
A sequence of characters enclosed within double quotation marks. The
sequence must consist of a letter followed by zero or more characters,
each of which is a letter, digit, or the underscore character.
A character or flag that groups or separates items of data.
delimiter token
A string constant, a delimited identifier, an operator symbol, or any
of the special characters shown in syntax diagrams.
In SQL, an object (row, table, or table space) that has at least one
parent. See parent row, parent table, parent table space.
row |
A row that contains a foreign key that matches the value of a parent
key in the parent row. The foreign key value represents a reference
from the dependent row to the parent row.
table |
A table that is a dependent in at least one referential constraint.
An object that is a dependent of an object or is the dependent of a
descendent of an object.
row |
A row that is dependent on another row or a row that is a descendent
of a dependent row.
descendent table
A table that is a dependent of another table or a descendent of a dependent
function |
See not-variant function.
device name
A name reserved by the system, or a device driver that refers to a
specific device.
distinct type
A user-defined data type that is internally represented as an existing
type (its source type), but is considered to be a separate and incompatible
type for semantic purposes.
Distributed Computing Environment (DCE)
A set of services and tools that support the creation, use, and maintenance
of distributed applications in a heterogeneous computing environment.
DCE is independent of the operating system and network; it provides
interoperability and portability across heterogeneous platforms.
Distributed Relational Database Architecture
The architecture that defines formats and protocols for providing transparent
access to remote data. DRDA defines two types of functions, the application
requester function and the application server function.
distributed request
In a federated database system, an SQL query directed to two or more
data sources.
distributed unit of work (DUOW)
A unit of work that allows SQL statements to be submitted to multiple
relational database management systems, but no more than one system
per SQL statement.
See data manipulation language.
DMS table space
See database-managed space table space.
character large object (DBCLOB) |
A sequence of double-byte characters, where the size can be up to 2
gigabytes. A data type that can be used to store large double-byte text
objects. Also called double-byte character large object string. Such
a string always has an associated code page.
double-byte character set (DBCS)
A set of characters in which each character is represented by two bytes.
double-precision floating point number
In SQL, a 64-bit approximate representation of a real number.
See Distributed Relational Database Architecture.
DRDA access
In DB2 UDB for OS/390, a method of accessing distributed data by which
you can connect to another location, using an SQL statement, to execute
packages that were previously bound at that location. The SQL CONNECT
or three-part name statement is used to identify application servers,
and SQL statements are executed using packages that were previously
bound at those servers. Contrast with private protocol access.
See distributed unit of work.
In SQL, a number that represents an interval of time. See date duration,
labeled duration, and time duration.
dynamic bind
A process by which SQL statements are bound as they are entered. See
also bind.
dynamic SQL
SQL statements that are prepared and run within a running program.
In dynamic SQL, the SQL source is contained in host language variables
rather than being coded into the program. The SQL statement might change
several times while the program is running.
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Extended binary-coded decimal interchange code. A coded character set
of 256 8-bit characters.
embedded SQL
SQL statements coded within an application program. See static SQL.
encoding scheme
A set of rules to represent character data.
A join in which the predicate contains an equals operator, for example,
T1.C1 = T2.C2.
event monitor
A database object for monitoring and collecting data on database activities
over a period of time.
exception table
A table that holds rows that violate referential constraints or table
check constraints that the CHECK DATA utility finds.
exclusive lock
A lock that prevents concurrently executing application processes from
accessing database data.
executable statement
An SQL statement that can be embedded in an application program, dynamically
prepared and executed, or issued interactively.
To capture detailed information about the access plan that was chosen
by the SQL compiler to resolve an SQL statement. The information describes
the decision criteria used to choose the access plan.
explainable statement
An SQL statement for which the explain operation can be performed.
Explainable statements are SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE, and VALUES.
explained statement
An SQL statement for which an explain operation was performed.
explained statistics
Statistics for a database object that was referenced in an SQL statement
at the time that the statement was explained.
explain snapshot
A capture of the current internal representation of an SQL query and
related information. This information is required by the Visual Explain
privilege |
A privilege that has a name and is held as the result of SQL GRANT
and REVOKE statements, for example, the SELECT privilege. Contrast with
implicit privilege.
export |
To copy data from database manager tables to a file using formats such
as PC/IXF, DEL, WSF, or ASC. Contrast with import.
exposed name
A correlation name, a table, or a view name specified in a FROM clause
for which a correlation name is not specified.
An SQL operand or a collection of operators and operands that yields
a single value.
Extended UNIX Code (EUC)
A protocol that can support sets of characters from 1 to 4 bytes in
length. EUC is a means of specifying a collection of code pages rather
than actually being a code page encoding scheme itself. This is the
UNIX alternative to the PC double-byte (DBCS) code page encoding schemes.
An allocation of space, within a container of a table space, to a single
database object. This allocation consists of multiple pages.
extent map
A metadata structure stored within a table space that records the allocation
of extents to each object in the table space.
external function
A function for which the body is written in a programming language
that takes scalar argument values and produces a scalar result for each
invocation. Contrast with sourced function and built-in function.
external routine
A user-defined function or stored procedure that is based on code that
is written in an external programming language.
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fast communication
manager (FCM) |
A group of functions that provide internodal communication support.
federated database system
(1) A DB2 server and multiple data sources that the server sends queries
to. In a federated database system, a client application can join data
that is distributed across multiple database management systems using
a single SQL statement and view the data as if it were local.
(2) A distributed computing system that consists of:
A DB2 server, called a federated server.
Multiple data sources to which the federated server sends queries.
Each data source consists of an instance of a relational database management
system plus the database or databases that the instance supports.
The data sources are semi-autonomous. For example, the federated server
can send queries to Oracle data sources at the same time that Oracle
applications are accessing these data sources.
fenced |
Pertaining to a type of user-defined function or stored procedure that
is defined to protect the DBMS from modifications by the function. The
DBMS is isolated from the function or stored procedure by a barrier.
Contrast with not-fenced.
file reference variable
A host variable that is used to indicate that data resides in a file
on the client rather than in a client memory buffer.
filter factor
A number between zero and one that estimates the proportion of rows
in a table for which a predicate is true.
first failure service log
A file (db2diag.log) that contains diagnostic messages, diagnostic
data, alert information, and related dump information. This file is
used by database administrators.
fixed-length string
A character or graphic string whose length is specified and cannot
be changed. Contrast with varying-length string.
forward recovery
A process used to roll forward a database or table space. It allows
a restored database or table space to be rebuilt to a specified point
in time by applying the changes recorded in the database log.
free space |
The total amount of unused space in a page. The space that is not used
to store records or control information is free space.
full outer join
The result of an SQL join operation that includes the matched rows
of both tables that are being joined and preserves the unmatched rows
of both tables. See join.
fullselect |
A subselect, a values-clause, or a number of both that are combined
by set operators.
function |
A mapping, embodied as a program (the function body), that can be invoked
by using zero or more input values (arguments) to a single value (the
function body |
The piece of code that implements a function.
function invocation
The use of a function together with any argument values being passed
to the function body. The function is invoked by its name.
function path
An ordered list of schema names that restricts the search scope for
unqualified function invocations and provides a final arbiter for the
function selection process.
function resolution
The process, internal to the DBMS, for which a particular function
instance is selected for invocation. The function name, the data types
of the arguments, and the function path are used to make the selection.
Synonym for function selection.
function selection
See function resolution.
function signature
The logical concatenation of a fully qualified function name with the
data types of all of its parameters. Each function in a schema must
have a unique signature.
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global transaction
A unit of work in a distributed transaction processing environment
in which multiple resource managers are required.
See resource limit facility.
To give a privilege or authority to an authorization ID.
graphic character
A DBCS character.
graphic string
A sequence of DBCS characters.
(1) A logical organization of users that have IDs according to activity
or resource access authority.
(2) In Satellite Edition, a collection of satellites that share characteristics
such as database configuration and the application that runs on the
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handle |
(1) A variable that represents an internal structure within a software
(2) A character string that is created by an extender that is used to
represent an image, audio, or video object in a table. A handle is stored
for an object in a user table and in administrative support tables.
In this way, an extender can link the handle that is stored in a user
table with information about the object that is stored in the administrative
support tables.
In TCP/IP, any system that has at least one Internet address associated
with it.
host computer
(1) In a computer network, a computer that provides services such as
computation, database access, and network control functions.
(2) The primary or controlling computer in a multiple computer installation.
host identifier
A name declared in the host program.
host language
Any programming language in which you can embed SQL statements.
host program
A program written in a host language that contains embedded SQL statements.
host structure |
In an application program, a structure that is referred to by embedded
SQL statements.
host variable
In an application host program, a variable that is referred to by embedded
SQL statements. Host variables are programming variables in the application
program and are the primary mechanism for transmitting data between
tables in the database and application program work areas.
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implicit privilege
A privilege that accompanies the ownership of an object, such as the
privilege to drop a synonym one owns or the holding of an authority,
such as the privilege of SYSADM authority to terminate any utility job.
To copy data from an external file, using formats such as PC/IXF, DEL,
WSF or ASC, into database manager tables. Contrast with export.
import utility
Transactional utility that inserts user-supplied record data into a
table. Contrast with load utility
incremental bind
A process by which SQL statements are bound during the execution of
an application process, because they could not be bound during the bind
process, and VALIDATE(RUN) was specified. See also bind.
A set of pointers that are logically ordered by the values of a key.
Indexes provide quick access to data and can enforce uniqueness on the
rows in the table.
index key
The set of columns in a table used to determine the order of index
index sargable predicates
SQL predicates that are applied to index entries in index leaf pages
to reduce the number of index entries that qualify the SQL request.
They help reduce the number of data rows accessed.
indicator variable
A variable used to represent the null value in an application program.
If the value for the selected column is null, a negative value is placed
in the indicator variable
indoubt transaction
A transaction in which one phase of a two-phase commit completes successfully
but the system fails before a subsequent phase can complete.
initialization fullselect
The first fullselect in a recursive common table expression that gets
the direct children of the initial value from the source table.
inner join
A join method in which a column that is not common to all of the tables
being joined is dropped from the resultant table. Contrast with outer
inoperative trigger
A trigger that depends on an object that has been dropped or made
inoperative or on a privilege that has been revoked.
inoperative view
A view that is no longer usable because one of the following situations
SELECT privilege on a table or view that the view is dependent on is
revoked from the definer of the view.
An object on which the view definition is dependent was dropped (or
possibly made inoperative in the case of another view).
insert rule |
A condition enforced by the database manager that must be met before
a row can be inserted into a table.
insert trigger |
A trigger that is defined with the triggering SQL operation INSERT.
See database manager instance.
Protocol (IP) |
A protocol used to route data from its source to its destination in
an Internet environment.
Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX)
A connectionless datagram protocol, used in a NetWare LAN environment,
to transfer data to a remote node. IPX makes a best-effort attempt to
send data packets, but does not guarantee reliable delivery of the data.
inter-partition parallelism
The ability to perform multiple database operations (such as index
creation, database load, and SQL queries) at the same time across multiple
partitions of a partitioned database. Contrast with intra-partition
Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
A mechanism of an operating system that allows processes to communicate
with each other.
intra-partition parallelism
The ability to perform multiple database operations (such as index
creation, database load, SQL queries) at the same time within a single
database partition. Contrast with inter-partition parallelism
intra-query parallelism;
The ability to process parts of a single query at the same time using
either intra-partition parallelism, inter-partition parallelism, or
invalid package
A package that becomes invalid when an object that the package depends
on is dropped. (The object is of a type other than function, for example,
index.) Such a package is implicitly rebound upon invocation. Contrast
with inoperative package.
I/O parallelism
See parallel I/O.
See Internet Protocol.
IP address
A 4-byte value that uniquely identifies a TCP/IP host.
Internetwork Packet Exchange.
Microsoft Internet Server API.
isolation level
An attribute that defines the degree to which an application process
is isolated from other concurrently executing application processes.
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scheduler |
A program used to automate certain tasks for running and managing database
An SQL relational operation that allows retrieval of data from two
or more tables based on matching column values.
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A column or an ordered collection of columns that are identified in
the description of a table, index, or referential constraint.
(1) One of the predefined words of a computer, command language, or
an application.
(2) A name that identifies an option used in an SQL statement.
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duration |
A number that represents a duration of years, months, days, hours,
minutes, seconds, or microseconds.
large object (LOB)
A sequence of bytes with a length of up to 2 gigabytes. It can be any
of three types: BLOB (binary), CLOB (single-byte character or mixed)
or DBCLOB (double-byte character).
leaf page |
In an index, a page that contains pairs of keys and RIDs and that points
to actual data. Contrast with nonleaf page.
left outer join |
In DB2 UDB for OS/390, the result of a join operation that includes
the matched rows of both tables that are being joined and that preserves
the unmatched rows of the first table. See join and right outer join.
length attribute
A value associated with a string that represents the declared fixed
length or maximum length of the string.
linkage editor
A computer program for creating load modules from one or more object
modules or load modules by resolving cross-references among the modules
and, if necessary, adjusting addresses.
The action of creating a loadable computer program using a linkage
list prefetch
An access method that takes advantage of prefetching even in queries
that do not access data sequentially. This is done by scanning the index
and collecting RIDs in advance of accessing any data pages. These RIDs
are then sorted, and data is prefetched using this list.
copy |
A backup image of data that was loaded at a previous time and can be
restored during roll-forward recovery.
load module
A program unit that is suitable for loading into main storage for execution.
The output of a linkage editor.
utility |
A nontransactional utility that performs block updates of table data.
Contrast with import utility.
See large object.
LOB locator |
A mechanism that allows an application program to manipulate a large
object (LOB) value in the database system. An LOB locator is a simple
token value that represents a single LOB value. An application program
retrieves an LOB locator into a host variable and can then apply SQL
functions to the associated LOB value using the locator.
LOB table space
A table space that contains all the data for a particular LOB column
in the related base table.
local database |
A database that is physically located on the workstation in use. Contrast
with remote database.
local database directory
A directory where a database physically resides. Databases that are
displayed in the local database directory are located on the same node
as the system database directory.
See LOB locator.
(1) A means of serializing events or access to data.
(2) A means of preventing uncommitted changes made by one application
process from being perceived by another application process and for
preventing one application process from updating data that is being
accessed by another process.
(3) A means of controlling concurrent events or access to data.
lock duration
The interval over which a DB2 UDB lock is held.
lock escalation
In the database manager, the response that occurs when the number of
locks issued for one agent exceeds the limit specified in the database
configuration; the limit is defined by the MAXLOCKS configuration parameter.
During a lock escalation, locks are freed by converting locks on rows
of a table into one lock on a table. This is repeated until the limit
is no longer exceeded.
The mechanism used by the database manager to ensure the integrity
of data. Locking prevents concurrent users from accessing inconsistent
mode |
A representation for the type of access that concurrently running programs
can have to a resource that a DB2 UDB lock is holding.
lock object
The resource that is controlled by a DB2 UDB lock.
(1) A file used to record changes made in a system.
(2) A collection of records that describe the events that occur during
DB2 UDB execution and that indicate their sequence. The information
thus recorded is used for recovery in the event of a failure during
DB2 UDB execution.
(3) See database log.
log head
The oldest written log record in the active log.
logical operator
A keyword that specifies how multiple search conditions are to be evaluated
(AND, OR) or if the logical sense of a search condition is to be inverted
logical unit of work (LUW)
The processing that a program performs between synchronization points.
log record
A record of an update to a database performed during a unit of work.
This record is written after the log tail of the active log.
long string
A varying-length string whose maximum length is greater than 254 bytes.
table space |
A table space that can store only long string or large object (LOB)
See logical unit of work.
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(1) The process of putting rows from a view or nested table expression
into a work file for additional processing by a query.(2) The placement
of an LOB value into contiguous storage. Because LOB values can be very
large, DB2 UDB avoids materializing LOB data until doing so becomes
absolutely necessary.
See multi-byte character set.
(1) The process of moving data from one computer system to another
without converting the data.
(2) Installation of a new version or release of a program to replace
an earlier version or release.
string |
A string containing a mixture of single-byte and multi-byte characters.
Also called mixed data string.
mixed-data string
See mixed-character string.
switch |
Database manager parameters manipulated by the user to control the
type of information and the quantity of information returned in performance
Massively parallel processing.
character set (MBCS) |
A set of characters in which each character is represented by 2 or
more bytes. Character sets that use only two bytes are more commonly
known as double-byte character sets.
multi-site update
In DB2 UDB, distributed relational database processing in which data
is updated in more than one location within a single unit of work.
A mode of operation that provides for concurrent performance or interleaved
execution of two or more tasks.
Multiple Virtual Storage, which is part of OS/390.
Multiple Virtual Storage/Enterprise Systems Architecture, which is
part of OS/390.
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table expression |
A result table obtained directly or indirectly from one or more other
tables through the evaluation of a fullselect that is specified in the
FROM clause.
network address
An identifier for a node in a network.
(1) An identifier that a federated server uses to refer to a data source
table or view.
(2) A name that is defined in a DB2 DataJoiner database to represent
a physical database object (such as a table or stored procedure) in
a non-IBM database.
(1) In database partitioning, a synonym for database partition.
(2) In hardware, a uniprocessor or symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) computer
that is part of a clustered system or a massively parallel processing
(MPP) system. For example, RS/6000 SP is an MPP system that consists
of a number of nodes connected by a high-speed network.
(3) In communications, an end point of a communications link, or a junction
common to two or more links in a network. Nodes can be processors, communication
controllers, cluster controllers, terminals, or workstations. Nodes
can vary in routing and other functional capabilities.
node directory
A directory that contains information necessary to establish communications
from a client workstation to all applicable database servers.
A named group of one or more database partitions.
nondelimited ASCII (ASC) format
A file format used to import data. Nondelimited ASCII is a sequential
ASCII file with row delimiters used for data exchange with any ASCII
nonleaf page
In a DB2 UDB index, a page that contains keys and page numbers of other
pages in the index (either leaf or nonleaf pages). Nonleaf pages never
point to actual data. Contrast with leaf page.
In databases, the process of restructuring a data model by reducing
its relations to their simplest forms.
not-deterministic function
In DB2 UDB, a user-defined function whose result is not solely dependent
on the values of the input arguments. Successive invocations with the
same argument values can produce a different answer. This type of function
is sometimes called a variant function. Contrast with adeterministic
function (sometimes called a not-variant function), which always produces
the same result for the same input.
A type of user-defined function or stored procedure that is defined
to be run in the DBMS process. Contrast with fenced.
not-variant function
A user-defined function whose result is solely dependent on the values
of the input arguments. Successive invocations with the same argument
values always produce the same results. Contrast with variant function.
In C language, a single character that denotes the end of the string
A value that indicates the absence of information.
The condition in which a value for a column, function parameter, or
result can have an absence of a value. For example, a field for a person's
middle initial does not require a value and is considered nullable.
null value |
A parameter position for which no value is specified.
NUL-terminated host variable
A varying-length host variable in which the end of the data is indicated
by the presence of a NUL terminator.
NUL terminator
In C language, the value that indicates the end of a string. For character
strings, the NUL terminator is X'00'.
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(1) Anything that can be created or manipulated with SQL--for example,
tables, views, indexes, or packages.
(2) In object-oriented design or programming, an abstraction consisting
of data and operations associated with that data.
See Open Database Connectivity.
ODBC driver
A driver that implements ODBC function calls and interacts with a data
offline backup
A backup of the database or table space that was made when the database
or table space was not being accessed by applications. The Backup Database
utility acquires exclusive use of the database until the backup is complete.
Contrast with online backup.
offline restore
A restoration of a copy of a database or table space from a backup.
The Backup Database utility has exclusive use of the database until
the restore is completed. Contrast with online restore.
See online analytical processing.
online analytical processing (OLAP)
In the OLAP Starter Kit, a multidimensional, multi-user, client server
computing environment for users who need to analyze consolidated enterprise
data in real time.
online backup
A backup of the database or table space that is made while the database
or table space is being accessed by other applications. Contrast with
offline backup.
online restore
A restoration of a copy of a database or table space while the database
or table space is being accessed by other applications. Contrast with
offline restore.
Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) |
An API that allows access to database management systems using callable
SQL, which does not require the use of an SQL preprocessor. The ODBC
architecture allows users to add modules, called database drivers, that
link the application to their choice of database management systems
at run time. Applications do not need to be linked directly to the modules
of all the supported database management systems.
An entity on which an operation is performed.
optimized SQL text
SQL text, produced by the Explain facility, that is based on the query
actually used by the optimizer to choose the access plan. This query
is supplemented and rewritten by the various components of the SQL compiler
during statement compilation. The text is reconstructed from its internal
representation, and differs from the original SQL text. The optimized
statement produces the same result as the original statement.
A component of the SQL compiler that chooses an access plan for a
data manipulation language statement by modeling the execution cost
of many alternative access plans and choosing the one with the minimal
estimated cost.
identifier |
In SQL, a letter followed by zero or more characters, each of which
is a letter (a-z and A-Z), a symbol, a number, or the underscore character,
used to form a name.
join |
(1) A join method in which a column that is not common to all of the
tables being joined becomes part of the resultant table. Contrast with
inner join.
(2) In DB2 UDB, the result of a join operation that includes the matched
rows of both tables that are being joined and preserves some or all
of the unmatched rows of the tables that are being joined. See also
output file
A database or device file that is opened with the option to allow the
writing of records.
overflow record
(1) In DB2, an updated record that is too large to fit on the page
it is currently stored in. The record is copied to a different page
and its original location is replaced with a pointer to the new location.
(2) In the Database Monitor, a record inserted in the event monitor
data stream to indicate that records were discarded because the named
pipe was full and records were not processed in time. An overflow record
indicates how many records were discarded.
overloaded function name
A function name for which multiple functions exist within a function
path or schema. Those within the same schema must have different signatures.
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A control structure produced during program preparation that is used
to execute SQL statements.
(1) A block of storage within a table or index whose size is 4096 bytes
(4 KB).
(2) In DB2 UDB, a unit of storage within a table space (4 KB, 8 KB,
16 KB, or 32 KB).
parallel I/O
The process of reading from or writing to two or more I/O devices at
the same time to reduce response time.
The ability to perform multiple database operations at the same time
(in parallel). See inter-partition parallelism, intra-partition parallelism,
and parallel I/O.
parameterized data type
A data type that can be defined with a specific length, scale, or precision.
String and decimal data types are parameterized.
parameter marker
A question mark (?) that appears in a statement string of a dynamic
SQL statement. The question mark can appear where a host variable might
appear if the statement string was a static SQL statement.
parent key
A primary key or unique key that is used in a referential constraint.
The values of a parent key determine the valid values of the foreign
key in the constraint.
parent row
A row that has at least one dependent row.
parent table
A table that is a parent in at least one referential constraint.
partitioned database
A database with two or more database partitions. Data in user tables
can be located in one or more database partitions. When a table is on
multiple partitions, some of its rows are stored in one partition and
others are stored in other partitions.
Performance Monitor
A tool that lets database administrators use a graphical interface
to monitor the performance of a DB2 system for tuning purposes. This
tool can be accessed from the Control Center.
performance snapshot
Performance data for a set of database objects that is retrieved from
the database manager at a point in time.
performance variable
A statistic derived from performance data obtained from the database
manager. The expression for this variable can be user defined.
performance variable profile
A flat file that contains definitions of performance variables. This
file can be edited, copied, and shared. Different profiles can be used
by the same Performance Monitor so that different calculations can be
phantom row
A table row that can be read by application processes that are executing
with any isolation level except repeatable read. When an application
process issues the same query multiple times within a single unit of
work, additional rows can appear between queries because of the data
being inserted and committed by application processes that are running
point of consistency
A point in time when all the recoverable data a program accesses is
consistent. The point of consistency occurs when updates, inserts, and
deletions are either committed to the physical database or rolled back.
Synonym for commit point and sync point.
In numeric data types, the total number of binary or decimal digits,
excluding the sign.
To process programs that contain SQL statements before they are compiled.
SQL statements are replaced with statements that will be recognized
by the host language compiler. The output from a precompile process
includes source code that can be submitted to the compiler and used
in the bind process.
An element of a search condition that expresses or implies a comparison
To read data ahead of, and in anticipation of, its use.
(1) To convert an SQL statement from text form to an executable form,
by submitting it to the SQL compiler.
(2) In DB2 UDB, the first phase of a two-phase commit process in which
all participants are requested to prepare for commit.
SQL statement |
In SQL, a named object that is the executable form of an SQL statement
that has been processed by the PREPARE statement.
primary key
A unique key that is part of the definition of a table. A primary key
is the default parent key of a referential constraint definition.
log |
A set of one or more log files used to record changes to a database.
Storage for these files is allocated in advance. Contrast with secondary
private protocol access
A method of accessing distributed data by which you can direct a query
to another DB2 system. Contrast with DRDA access.
(1) The right to access a specific database object in a specific way.
These rights are controlled by users with SYSADM (system administrator)
authority or DBADM (database administrator) authority or by creators
of objects. Privileges include rights such as creating, deleting, and
selecting data from tables.
(2) In DB2 UDB, the capability of performing a specific function, sometimes
on a specific object. See also explicit privilege and implicit privilege.
See stored procedure.
public authority
The authority for an object granted to all users.
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predicate |
A predicate that compares a value with a set of values.
(1) A request for information from the database based on specific conditions,
for example, a request for a list of all customers in a customer table
whose balance is greater than $1000.
(2) A component of certain SQL statements that specifies a result table.
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See relational database.
See relational database management system.
read stability (RS)
An isolation level that locks only the rows that an application retrieves
within a transaction. Read stability ensures that any qualifying row
that is read during a transaction is not changed by other application
processes until the transaction is completed, and that any row changed
by another application process is not read until the change is committed
by that process. Read stability allows more concurrency than repeatable
read, and less than cursor stability.
To create a package for an application program that was previously
bound. For example, if an index is added for a table that is accessed
by a program, the package must be rebound for it to take advantage of
the new index.
The storage representation of a single row of a table or other data.
record identifier (RID)
A number that is used internally by DB2 to uniquely identify a record
in a table. The RID contains enough information to address the page
in which the record is stored. Compare with row ID.
log |
A database log in which all log records are retained so that, in the
event of a failure, lost data can be recovered during forward recovery.
Contrast with circular log.
(1) The act of resetting a system, or data that is stored in a system,
to an operable state following damage.
(2) The process of rebuilding databases by restoring a backup and rolling
forward the logs associated with it.
recovery log
See database log.
recovery pending
A state of the database or table space. A database or table space is
put in recovery pending state when it is restored from a backup. While
the database or table space is in this state, its data cannot be accessed.
recursion cycle
The cycle that occurs when a fullselect within a common table expression
includes the name of the common table expression in a FROM clause.
recursive common table expression
A common table expression that refers to itself in a FROM clause from
the fullselect. Recursive common table expressions are used to write
recursive queries.
recursive query
A fullselect that uses a recursive common table expression.
referential constraint
The referential integrity rule that the nonnull values of the foreign
key are valid only if they also appear as values of a parent key.
referential integrity
(1) The state of a database in which all values of all foreign keys
are valid.
(2) The condition that exists when all intended references from data
in one column of a table to data in another column of the same or a
different table are valid. Maintaining referential integrity requires
that DB2 UDB enforce referential constraints on all LOAD, RECOVER, INSERT,
UPDATE, and DELETE operations.
A process in which all of the data of interest in a user table is copied
to the target table, replacing existing data. See also full refresh
and differential refresh.
regular table space
A table space that can store any nontemporary data.
database |
A database that can be perceived as a set of tables and manipulated
in accordance with the relational model of data.
relational database management system (RDBMS)
In DB2 UDB, a collection of hardware and software that organizes and
provides access to a relational database.
remote database
A database that is physically located on a workstation other than the
one in use. Contrast with local database.
remote unit of work (RUOW) |
A unit of work that allows for the remote preparation and execution
of SQL statements.
repeatable read (RR)
An isolation level that locks all the rows in an application that are
referenced within a transaction. When a program uses repeatable read
protection, rows referenced by the program cannot be changed by other
programs until the program ends the current transaction.
The process of maintaining a defined set of data in more than one location.
It involves copying designated changes for one location (a source) to
another (a target), and synchronizing the data in both locations.
replication administrator
The user responsible for defining replication sources and subscriptions.
This user can also run the Capture and Apply programs.
replication source
A database table or view that can accept copy requests and is the source
table in a subscription set. See also subscription set.
replication subscription
A specification for copying changed data from replication sources to
target tables at a specified time and frequency, with the option of
enhancing data. It defines all of the information that is required by
the Apply program to copy data.
word |
(1) A word used in a source program to describe an action to be taken
by the program or compiler. It must not appear in the program as a user-defined
name or a system name.
(2) A word that has been set aside for special use in the SQL standard.
To return a backup copy to the active storage location for use.
restore set
A backup copy of a database or table space plus zero or more log files
that, when restored and rolled forward, bring the database or table
space back to a consistent state.
result set
The set of rows that a stored procedure returns.
result table
The set of rows produced by the evaluation of a SELECT statement.
To remove a privilege or authority from an authorization ID
See record identifier.
right outer join
In DB2 UDB, the result of a join operation that includes the matched
rows of both tables that are being joined and preserves the unmatched
rows of the second join operand. See join.
The process of restoring data changed by SQL statements to the state
at its last commit point. See point of consistency.
The process of updating the data in a restored database by applying
changes recorded in the database log. See forward recovery.
root page |
In DB2 UDB, the page of an index page set that follows the first index
space map page. A root page is the highest level (or the beginning point)
of the index.
The horizontal component of a table consisting of a sequence of values,
one for each column of the table.
See row identifier.
row identifier (ROWID)
In DB2 UDB, a value that uniquely identifies a row. This value is stored
with the row and does not change.
row lock
In DB2 UDB, a lock on a single row of data.
row trigger
A trigger that is defined with the trigger granularity FOR EACH ROW.
See repeatable read.
See read stability.
See remote unit of work.
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A predicate that can be evaluated as a search argument.
An occasionally connected client that has a DB2 server that synchronizes
with its group at the satellite control database.
Administration Center |
A user interface that provides centralized administrative support for
control server |
A DB2 Universal Database system that contains the satellite control
database, SATCTLDB.
See single-byte character set.
scalar fullselect
A fullselect that returns a single value--one row of data that consists
of exactly one column.
scalar function
An SQL operation that produces a single value from another value and
is expressed as a function name followed by a list of arguments enclosed
in parentheses. Contrast with column function.
The number of digits in the fractional part of a number.
schema |
A collection of database objects such as tables, views, indexes, or
triggers. A database schema provides a logical classification of database
See Software Developer's Kit.
search condition
A criterion for selecting rows from a table. A search condition consists
of one or more predicates
log |
A set of one or more log files used to record changes to a database.
Storage for these files is allocated as needed when the primary log
is full. Contrast with primary log.
In DB2 UDB, the segment of a plan or package that contains the executable
structures for a single SQL statement. For most SQL statements, one
section in the plan exists for each SQL statement in the source program.
However, for cursor-related statements, the DECLARE, OPEN, FETCH, and
CLOSE statements reference the same section because, they each refer
to the SELECT statement that is named in the DECLARE CURSOR statement.
SQL statements such as COMMIT, ROLLBACK, and some SET statements do
not use a section.
self-referencing constraint
In DB2 UDB, a referential constraint that defines a relationship in
which a table is a dependent of itself.
self-referencing row
A row that is a parent of itself.
self-referencing subquery
A subselect or fullselect within a DELETE, INSERT, or UPDATE statement
that refers to the same table that is the object of the SQL statement.
self-referencing table
A table that is both a parent and a dependent table in the same referential
sequential prefetch
In DB2 UDB, a mechanism that triggers consecutive asynchronous I/O
operations. Pages are fetched before they are required, and several
pages are read with a single I/O operation.
In a network, a node that provides facilities to other stations, for
example, a file server, a printer server, a mail server.
operator |
The SQL operators UNION, EXCEPT, and INTERSECT corresponding to the
relational operators union, difference, and intersection. A set operator
derives a result table by combining two other result tables.
shared lock
A lock that limits concurrently executing application processes to
read-only operations on database data. Contrast with exclusive lock.
character |
A special control character (X'0F') that is used in EBCDIC systems
to denote that the subsequent bytes represent SBCS characters. Contrast
with shift-out character.
shift-out character
A special control character (X'0E') that is used in EBCDIC systems
to denote that the subsequent bytes, up to the next shift-in control
character, represent DBCS characters. Contrast with shift-in character.
string |
A fixed-length string or a variable-length string whose maximum length
is less than or equal to 254 bytes.
character set (SBCS) |
A character set in which each character is represented by a one-byte
floating point number |
A 32-bit approximate representation of a real number.
SMS table space
See system-managed space table space.
See Systems Network Architecture.
SNA network
The part of the user application network that conforms to the formats
and protocols of Systems Network Architecture (SNA). It enables reliable
transfer of data among users and provides protocols for controlling
the resources of various network configurations. The SNA network consists
of network addressable units (NAUs), gateway function, intermediate
session routing function components, and the transport network.
See performance snapshot and explain snapshot.
A callable TCP/IP programming interface that is used by TCP/IP network
applications to communicate with remote TCP/IP partners.
soft checkpoint
The process of writing some information to the log file header; this
information is used to determine the starting point in the log in case
a database restart is required.
Software Developer's Kit (SDK)
An application development product that allows applications to be developed
on a client workstation to access remote database servers including
host relational databases through the DB2 Connect products.
source function
A user-defined function (UDF) that is used to implement one or more
other UDFs.
sourced function
In DB2 UDB, a function that is implemented by another built-in or user-defined
function that is already known to the database manager. This function
can be a scalar function or a column (aggregating) function; it returns
a single value from a set of values (for example, MAX or AVG). Contrast
with external function and built-in function.
source program
A set of host language statements and SQL statements that is processed
by an SQL precompiler.
source table
In DB2 replication, a table that contains the data that is to be copied
to a target table. Contrast with target table.
source type
An existing type that is used to internally represent a distinct type.
special register
A storage area that is defined for an application process by the database
manager and is used to store information that can be referenced in SQL
statements. Examples are USER and CURRENT DATE.
specific function name
The name that uniquely identifies a function to the system.
See Structured Query Language.
authorization ID (SQL ID) |
In DB2 UDB, the authorization ID that is used for checking dynamic
SQL statements in some situations.
See SQL communication area.
SQL communication area (SQLCA)
A set of variables that provides an application program with information
about the execution of its SQL statements or its requests from the database
See SQL descriptor area.
SQL descriptor area (SQLDA)
(1) A set of variables that is used in the processing of certain SQL
statements. The SQLDA is intended for dynamic SQL programs.
(2) A structure that describes input variables, output variables, or
the columns of a result table.
ID |
See SQL authorization ID.
SQL return code
An instruction in a program or procedure
handle |
In CLI, a handle that refers to the data object that contains information
about an SQL statement. This includes information such as dynamic arguments,
bindings for dynamic arguments and columns, cursor information, result
values, and status information. Each statement handle is associated
with a connection handle.
static bind
A process by which SQL statements are bound after they are precompiled.
All static SQL statements are prepared for execution at the same time.
See also bind.
statement trigger
A trigger that is defined with the trigger granularity FOR EACH STATEMENT.
static SQL
SQL statements that are embedded within a program, and are prepared
during the program preparation process before the program is executed.
After being prepared, a static SQL statement does not change, although
values of host variables specified by the statement can change.
procedure |
(1) A block of procedural constructs and embedded SQL statements that
is stored in a database and can be called by name. Stored procedures
allow an application program to be run in two parts. One part runs on
the client and the other on the server. This allows one call to produce
several accesses to the database. Synonym for procedure.
(2) A user-written application program that can be started through the
use of the SQL CALL statement.
Procedure Builder |
A tool for creating stored procedures, building stored procedures on
local and remote DB2 servers, modifying and rebuilding existing stored
procedures, and testing and debugging the execution of installed stored
procedures using a graphical interface. This tool is standalone or can
be accessed from various integrated development environments.
Stored Procedure Builder project
A file that is created by the Stored Procedure Builder that contains
connection information and stored procedure objects that have not been
successfully built in the database.
In programming languages, the form of data used for storing and manipulating
strong typing
A process that guarantees that only user-defined functions and operations
that are defined on a distinct type can be applied to that type. For
example, you cannot directly compare two currency types, such as Canadian
dollars and US dollars. But you can provide a user-defined function
to convert one currency to the other and then do the comparison.
Query Language (SQL) |
A standardized language for defining and manipulating data in a relational
A type of agent that works on subrequests. A single application can
make many requests, and each request can be broken into many subrequests.
Therefore, there can be multiple subagents working on behalf of the
same application. All subagents working for the application are coordinated
by the coordinating agent for that application.
subordinate agent
See subagent.
A SELECT statement within the WHERE or HAVING clause of another SQL
statement; a nested SQL statement.
See subscription set.
subscription process
In DB2 replication, a process in which you define subscription sets
and subscription-set members. Contrast with registration process.
subscription set
In DB2 replication, the specification of a group of source tables,
target tables, and the control information that governs the replication
of changed data. See also subscription-set member.
subscription-set member
In DB2 replication, a member of a subscription set. There is one member
for each source-target pair. Each member defines the structure of the
target table and which rows and columns will be replicated from the
source table.
That form of a query that does not include an ORDER BY clause, an UPDATE
clause, or UNION operators.
substitution character
In SQL, a unique character that is substituted during character conversion
for any characters in the source program that do not have a match in
the target coding representation.
Pertaining to two or more processes that depend upon the occurrences
of specific events, such as a common timing signal. Contrast with asynchronous.
point |
See point of consistency.
system administrator
The person at a computer installation who designs, controls, and manages
the use of the computer system.
system catalog
See catalog.
system database directory
A directory that contains entries for every database that can be accessed
using the database manager. It is created when the first database is
created or cataloged on the system.
system-managed space (SMS) table space
A table space whose space is managed by the operating system. This
storage model is based on files created under subdirectories, and managed
by the file system. Contrast with database managed space (DMS) table
Systems Network Architecture (SNA)
The description of the logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational
sequences for transmitting information units through the networks and
also the operational sequences for controlling the configuration and
operation of networks.
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A named data object consisting of a specific number
of columns and some unordered rows. See also base table.
table check constraint
A user-defined constraint that specifies the values that specific columns
of a base table can contain.
table designator
A column name qualifier that designates a specific object table.
table function
A function that receives a set of arguments and returns a table to
the SQL statement that refers to the function. A table function can
be referenced only in the FROM clause of a subselect.
table space
An abstraction of a collection of containers into which database objects
are stored. A table space provides a level of indirection between a
database and the tables stored within the database. A table space:
Has space on media storage devices assigned to it.
Has tables created within it. These tables use space in the containers
that belong to the table space. The data, index, long field, and LOB
portions of a table can be stored in the same table space, or can be
individually broken out into separate table spaces.
space container |
A generic term describing an allocation of space to a table space.
Depending on the table space type, the container can be a directory,
device, or file.
server |
In DB2 replication, the database location of the target table. Normally
this is also the location of the Apply program.
target table
In DB2 replication, the table on the target server to which data is
See Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
TCP/IP port
A 2-byte value that identifies an end user or a TCP/IP network application
within a TCP/IP host.
temporary table
A table created during the processing of an SQL statement to hold intermediate
results. Contrast with result table.
temporary table space
A table space that can store only temporary tables.
A portion of the POSIX locale that is mapped to the country code for
internal processing by the database manager.
In some operating systems, the smallest unit of operation to be performed
in a process.
trigger |
An event that occurs when the value of a performance variable exceeds
or falls below a user-defined threshold value. The action that occurs
as a result of a threshold trigger can be:
Logging inormation in an alert log file.
Displaying information in an alert log window.
Generating an audio alarm.
Issuing a message window.
Invoking a predefined command or program.
A three-part value that designates a time of day in hours, minutes,
and seconds.
time duration
A DECIMAL(6,0) value that represents a number of hours, minutes, and
A unit of measurement used to give a rough relative estimate of the
resources, or cost, required by the database server to execute two plans
for the same query. The resources calculated in the estimate include
weighted processor and I/O costs.
A seven-part value that consists of a date and time expressed in years,
months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.
duration |
A DECIMAL(20,6) value that represents a number of years, months, days,
hours, minutes, seconds, and microseconds.
Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM)
A client/server product that provides storage management and data access
services in a heterogeneous environment. TSM supports various communication
methods, provides administrative facilities to manage the backup and
storage of files, and provides facilities for scheduling backup operations.
TM Database
See Transaction Manager Database.
The basic syntactic unit of a computing language. A token consists
of one or more characters, excluding the blank character and excluding
characters within a string constant or delimited identifier.
See transaction program.
An exchange between a workstation and a program, two workstations,
or two programs that accomplish a particular action or result. An example
is the entry of a customer's deposit and the update of the customer's
balance. Synonym for unit of work.
transaction compensation
A process that restores rows that are affected by a committed transaction
that is rejected. When a committed transaction is rejected, the rows
are restored to the state that they were in before the transaction was
manager |
A function that assigns identifiers to transactions, monitors their
progress, and takes responsibility for transaction completion and failure
Transaction Manager Database (TM Database)
A database that is used to log transactions when a two-phase commit
(SYNCPOINT TWOPHASE) is used with DB2 databases. In the event of transaction
failure, the TM Database information can be accessed to resynchronize
databases involved in the failed transaction.
transition variable
A variable that is valid only in FOR EACH ROW triggers. It allows access
to the transition values for the current row. An old transition variable
is the value of the row before the modification is applied, and the
new transition variable is the value of the row after the modification
is applied.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
A set of communications protocols that provide peer-to-peer connectivity
functions for both local and wide area networks.
(1) In DB2, an object in a database that is invoked indirectly by the
database manager when a particular SQL statement is run.
(2) A set of SQL statements that are stored in a DB2 UDB database and
executed when a certain event occurs in a DB2 UDB table.
triggered action
(1) The action that is executed when the trigger event occurs.
(2) In DB2 UDB, the SQL logic that is performed when a trigger is activated.
The triggered action consists of an optional triggered action condition
and a set of triggered SQL statements that are executed only if the
condition evaluates to true.
condition |
(1) The search condition that controls the execution of the SQL statements
within the triggered action.
(2) In DB2 UDB, an optional part of the triggered action. This Boolean
condition appears as a WHEN clause and specifies a condition that DB2
evaluates to determine if the triggered SQL statements should be executed.
triggered SQL statements
In DB2 UDB, the set of SQL statements that is executed when a trigger
is activated and its triggered action condition evaluates to true. Triggered
SQL statements are also called the trigger body.
trigger event
In a trigger definition, an update operation (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE
statement) that causes the trigger to be run.
triggering event
In DB2 UDB, the specified operation in a trigger definition that causes
the activation of that trigger. The triggering event is comprised of
a triggering operation (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) and a triggering
table on which the operation is performed.
triggering SQL operation
In DB2 UDB, the SQL operation that causes a trigger to be activated
when performed on the triggering table.
triggering table
In DB2 UDB, the table for which a trigger is created. When the defined
triggering event occurs on this table, the trigger is activated.
The process of discarding part of a result from an operation when it
exceeds memory or storage capacity.
two-phase commit
A two-step process by which recoverable resources and an external subsystem
are committed. During the first step, the database manager subsystems
are polled to ensure that they are ready to commit. If all subsystems
respond positively, the database manager instructs them to commit.
parameter marker |
A parameter marker that is specified along with its target data type.
It has the general form: CAST(? AS data-type)
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See user-defined function
See user-defined
cursor |
A cursor that allows a relational database to determine whether blocking
can be used with the answer set. A cursor defined FOR FETCH ONLY or
FOR READ ONLY can be used with blocking, whereas a cursor defined FOR
UPDATE cannot.
uncommitted read (UR)
An isolation level that allows an application to access uncommitted
changes of other transactions. The application does not lock other applications
out of the row it is reading, unless the other application attempts
to drop or alter the table.
uncoordinated transaction
A transaction that accesses more than one resource, but its commit
or rollback is not being coordinated by a transaction manager.
An international character encoding scheme that
is a subset of the ISO 10646 standard. Each character supported is defined
using a unique 2-byte code.
unique constraint
The rule that no two values in a primary key or key of a unique index
can be the same. Also referred to as uniqueness constraint.
unique index
An index that ensures that no identical key values are stored in a
unique key
A key that is constrained so that no two of its values are equal.
unit of recovery
A recoverable sequence of operations within a single resource manager,
such as an instance of DB2 UDB. Contrast with unit of work.
unit of work
A recoverable sequence of operations within an application process.
At any time, an application process is a single unit of work, but the
life of an application process can involve many units of work as a result
of commit or rollback operations. In a DB2 UDB for OS/390 multi-site
update operation, a single unit of work can include several units of
recovery. Synonym for transaction.
The act of releasing an object or system resource that was previously
locked and returning it to general availability within DB2 UDB.
update rule
A condition enforced by the database manager that must be met before
a column can be updated.
update trigger
A trigger that is defined with the triggering SQL operation UPDATE.
See uncommitted read.
user-defined data type (UDT)
See distinct type.
user-defined distinct type
See distinct type.
user-defined function (UDF)
A function that is defined to the database management system and can
be referred to in SQL queries. It can be one of the following functions:
An external function, in which the body of the function is written in
a programming language whose arguments are scalar values and a scalar
result is produced for each invocation.
A sourced function, implemented by another built-in or user-defined
function already known to the DBMS. This function can be either a scalar
function or column (aggregating) function, and returns a single value
from a set of values (for example, MAX or AVG).
user-defined type (UDT)
A data type that is not native to the database manager and was created
by a user.
See Coordinated Universal Time.
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(1) The smallest unit of data manipulated in SQL.
(2) A specific data item at the intersection of a column and a row.
A data element that specifies a value that can be changed.
variant function
A user-defined function whose result is dependent on its input parameter
values as well as other factors. Successive invocations with the same
parameter values might produce different results. Contrast with not-variant
string |
A character, graphic, or binary string whose length is not fixed but
can range within set limits. Also referred to as a variable-length string.
A logical table that consists of data that is generated by a query.
Contrast with base table.
view check option
In DB2 UDB, an option that specifies whether every row that is inserted
or updated through a view must conform to the definition of that view.
A view check option can be specified with the WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION,
VIEW statement.
Visual Explain
A tool that lets database administrators and application programmers
use a graphical interface to display and analyze detailed information
on the access plan of a given SQL statement. The tasks provided by this
tool can be accessed from the Control Center.
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A subject-oriented nonvolatile collection of data used to support strategic
decision making. The warehouse is the central point of data integration
for business intelligence. It is the source of data for datamarts within
an enterprise and delivers a common view of enterprise data.
In a federated database system, the mechanism by which the federated
server invokes routines to communicate with, and retrieve data from,
a data source. The routines are contained in a library called a wrapper
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