层叠样式表 (
Cascading Style Sheets,CSS) 手册英文版比较详尽地介绍了CSS,并列出了所有最新的被承认的CSS属性,展示于Web Design Group 网页,由John Pozadzides和Liam
Quinn维护,所有相关的权利归WDG! 本网页所展示的中文版本,是本网页经WDG同意,在其协助下,自行翻译,由Water Tang 和 Xianzhen
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The Web Design Group was founded to promote the creation of non-browser specific, non-resolution specific, creative and informative sites that are accessible to all users worldwide. To this end, the WDG offers material on a wide range of HTML related topics. We hope that with this site as a reference, you will be able to create Web sites that can be used by every person on the Internet, regardless of browser, platform, or settings. WDG is a not-for-profit group of six Web authors with a goal of producing quality Web authoring resources that encourage strong authoring principles.
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