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Activity 7 – Classes and objects

This activity asks you to place yourself in the shoes of a system modeler, by thinking up examples of classes and objects that are instances of classes that are plausible for the example systems.

(1) Suggest 3 or 4 classes that might be needed for the personnel department of a university.

(2) Suggest 3 or 4 classes that might be needed for a supermarket system.

(3) Suggest 3 or 4 classes that might be needed for a bank system.

(4) Suggest 3 or 4 classes that might be needed for a hospital.

(5) Create 2 or 3 instances for each of your university classes.

(6) Create 2 or 3 examples of instances for each of your supermarket, bank and hospital classes.

Discussion of Activity 7 – Classes and objects

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