An important principle of
object-oriented analysis and design is how both the attributes (data) and operations of
objects are modeled together. This makes object-oriented modeling more natural than many
other modeling techniques, since it allows a modeler to model the things we know and
wish to record about a class of objects (e.g. bank account balance) alongside the actions
we need to be able to perform on such objects (e.g. open new account, deposit money,
withdraw money, set up standing order). The term encapsulation is used to describe this
feature of object technologies.
Below is the Java code for a simple, bank account
class of objects called CurrentAccount. The details of the Java
are not important for this example, however what is hopefully clear is the way both the
data (balance) and the operations (add coins, remove coins) are modelled together in the
single class CurrentAccount.
Comments in Java code
Note that any line beginning with "//" is
a Java comment. The whole line is ignored by Java, and in most cases comments are solely
added to program listings for the important purpose of presenting useful comments to help
a human understand the program.
Thus lines such as "// current balance of
CurrentAccount" do not effect the class behaviour, but does make the Java code
much easier to understand.
class CurrentAccount{
// current balance of CurrentAccount
private float balance;
void CurrentAccount()
{ //create new bank account with 0 balance
void debit( float amount )
{ // subtract value of coins from balance
// error if try to take out more than balance
float getBalance ()
{ // return value of balance
float setBalance ( float amount )
{ // return value of balance
// (maybe with additional behaviour)
} // end of class CurrentAccount
Notice for this example, how there
are separate ‘get’ and ‘set’ methods, called accessor methods that
control access to the balance attribute. Thus encapsulated in this class is the feature that the value of the balance attribute is different
depending on the operation wishing to retrieve the value. In the example, the balance for
normal transactions would be whatever value is stored in the object. However, since a
charge is made when an account is closed, the value of the balance attribute returned by the operation getBalancee()
has a charge deducted from it.
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