Unit 01 Application program list
Unit 01 Applications
For each of the Unit 01 applications the following
steps indicate how to execute, view the source code, or save the source code as a file:
- To execute an application
- Install the snjrt20 program by double clicking the "snjrt20.exe"
- Shutdown and then restart your
- To run any of the Unit 1 application simply double click on
the applications icon (so to run "CircleSquare.exe" just double click this
applications icon)
- To view the source files for
an application
- Go to the specified source file code, and save it.
- To save the source code as a
- Click on the source code file
Hyper link
- A "Save As" widow will appear, So save it in a place on your hard disk.
Make sure that you know where you saved the file
- Go to the place where you saved the file and open the file by double clicking it.
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