Relation to other modules in Programme BIS4222 Database management systems There are excellent systems available to provide routine entry, management, and analysis of large data sets. However, when complex database operations are required, and are not catered for by standard software packages, then the ability to manipulate databases using custom software becomes very apparent. This is particularly true when large databases have to be integrated with other software systems. Java is a good choice of programming language for this type of work; not because the language itself has particular relevance to database management, but because of the broad support for the JDBC (Java database connectivity) standard. Most commercial database engines can be integrated with Java applications using JDBC. In addition, learning the object-oriented philosophy that underlies the Java language will help students understand the concepts of object-oriented databases. CCM4223 Computer networks: operation and
application While little technical knowledge is required to set up a small computer network, design and management of an efficient, complex corporate system requires a deeper technical understanding of the computer and its operations. Learning to write computer programs encourages the student to view the computer in a different way to that of an end user; specifically it strips away the veneer of sophistication which modern graphical user interfaces present their users with, and reveals the computer as a collection of hardware devices under the control of software. Having made this conceptual jump, students will be in a better position to understand the technical issues of complex networking. BIS4225 Information systems management and strategy The management of information systems often involves the management of software development; most large IT departments employ programmers to implement and integrate applications in ways that are not catered for by standard software packages. The ability to manage the development of software projects is improved by a knowledge of the development process itself. This, we suggest, can best be achieved by taking part in software development as a programmer. BIS4226 Internet commerce Internet commerce is by its very nature an interactive activity; provision of this interactivity requires software. Software is rapidly becoming available to support a range of `typical' Internet commerce applications. As usual, however, non-standard applications require custom software deveopment. BIS4226 includes an element of Javascript programming; the knowledge of object orientation and Java programming from INT4120 will be synergistic with this. BIS4111 Information systems analysis and design Programming is the development step that logically follows analysis and design. An understanding of progamming will give the student a clearer idea of the outcome towards which analysis and design are leading. In addition, the object-oriented design and UML (unified modelling language) concepts which are taught in INT4120 from a programming perspective will help to reinforce these concepts as they are taught in BIS4111 from an analysis perspective. BIS4127 Management support systems The integration of INT4120 with this module can be understood in similar terms to its integration with BIS4222. Essentially, while there are excellent software packages available for performing standard decision support tasks, more complex systems can often only be realized with the development of custom software. CMT4130 design and evaluation of interactive systems Certain theoretical principles may be applied to guide the development of systems which encourage and simplify human interaction. However, the use of these principles must be tempered with an understanding of what is practically achieveable with modern software systems. An understanding of programming helps the professional to be aware of what can, and can not, be implemented with existing technology, and what the costs of implementation are likely to be. BIS4992 postgraduate projects In every group of MSc BIT students there will be a number who choose to undertake a project that is based wholely or partly on software development. Recently such projects have included - an on-line, interactive Web site design tool for Internet service providers
- an interactive graphical front-end for a share trading database
- an on-line room booking system for hotels, with database integration
all of which were structured using object-oriented techniques and implemented in Java. Back to top 
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