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Reflect Index

Reflect Page # 5

Review Questions

Review Question 5

As a summary of object concepts fill in the blanks in the following paragraphs:

Object concepts involve classes and -------------that are instances of classes. Each object is an instance of a------------- . A software system can create objects and destroy objects.

The ---------------of an object is the set of data it remembers (stores). The behaviour of an object depends on its state and the it receives. The -------------of an object is the definition of all the messages the object can understand.

A class is defined by the encapsulation of the --------------and attributes of objects of the class.

New classes can be defined as specialisations of existing classes. Thus classes can exist in a class------------- , composed of superclasses and subclasses. A subclass inherits the attributes and of -------------------its superclass.

--------------describes the situation when the same message sent to 2 or more different objects results in the execution of different methods – it is made possible due to the abstraction and of --------------------object-oriented approaches.

Solution to Review Question 5

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