Topic 1 ?case-sensitivity issues
Misspelling of identifier names is
a major source of error for novice (and other) programmers. For example,
if I write
where I really meant
then this is an error, and the compiler
will display an error message. Note that it does not say:
'You have `Println'
it says:
`Println(String)' not found in class ... ''
In other words, it interprets the change
from lower case to upper case as representing a completely different operation.
Why is this? What disadvantages would
there be to making Java a case-insensitive language, such that
was the same as
A much more serious problem is illustrated
by this example. Suppose I am writing an applet, and I define the operation
called `paint', but accidentally write `Paint' instead, like this:
void Paint (Graphics g)
More statements here
This appears superficially to be the
same kind of error as the println/Println example earlier, but it is not.
In the `Paint' example, the program will compile perfectly well, but it
won't work. The Paint()
operation is never called. This is a worse problem, because the compiler
cannot give the programmer any guidance about where the error is. The compiler
does not even know it is an error.
What is different about the first error
(println/Println) that means the compiler spots it as an error, while the
second error (paint/Paint) is undetected?
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