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Strings ?sequences of characters treated as an object

We have already met and used strings. Consider this application program:

class ProgramMessage
  public static void main( String args[])
    System.out.println("This application is running");
The following output is produced:

We are passing a string as a message argument: System.out.println("This application is running"); The string itself is: "This application is running"
A string is a sequence of characters treated as a single object. String objects are instance of the String class.
Applet example using a String object
Just as the simple Java application above displays a String object to the console, we have also encountered String objects being drawn onto the graphics object of an Applet window:
// <APPLET code="DrawStringApplet.class" width=275 height=100></APPLET>

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

public class DrawStringApplet extends Applet

// methods

  public void paint( Graphics g )
    g.drawString( "This applet is running", 100, 30 );
} // class

When compiled and run with the appletviewer:

the screen should look as follows:

image8.gif (2735 bytes)

In this example the string "This applet is running"is passed as an argument when the message:

drawString( "This applet is running", 100, 30 );
is send to theGraphicsobject g: g.drawString( "This applet is running", 100, 30 );
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