Local variable
A local variable is one that can only
be referred to inside a single method, or part of a method. For example
some local variables are local to a particular method, others are local
to only part of a method (such as in a compound loop statement).
An example of a local variable is the
loop variable 'i' in this for loop:
int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
= total + i;
total, x, y);
y =
y + 20;
Since the variable 'i' is declared as
part of this for loop, it cannot be referred to outside the loop. So for
example, if the loop were followed by a statement attempting to put the
value of 'i' on screen:
int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
= total + i;
"total = " + total, x, y);
y =
y + 20;
"i = " + i, x, y);
the following compilation error would

The error says 'undefined variable i'
since the compiler does not know what variable you mean.
The part of a class where a variable
can be referred to is called the scope of the variable. An instance or
class variable (see later this unit) has a scope comprising every method
of a class. A local variable may have a scope of a whole method, or may,
as in the loop above, have a scope of just one compound statement.
The full listing of our Scope class
(without the offending line) is given below:
code="Scope.class" width=275 height=200></APPLET>
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;
public class
Scope extends Applet
instance variable
void paint (Graphics g)
int x = 20;
int y = 20;
int total = 0;
int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
total = total + i;
g.drawString( "total = "
+ total, x, y)
y = y + 20;
g.drawString("Program terminating
", x, y);
There are 5 variables in this program:
The variable average
has a scope of all methods, since it is an instance variable.
The variables x
and y
and total have a scope of all the statements that occur after them in the
paint() method.
Variable i
only has scope within the loop statement
The issue is scope is not covered in
great detail here, however, be aware that an error relating to an undefined
variable is often one of either scope or a misspelling of the
variable identifier.
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