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Access control

When a class of objects is defined, it is not the case that we wish all the methods or variables of an object of the class to be available to other objects in the software system. A general design rule for classes is that they should be self-contained, and control access to its variables and methods

There is little point in creating careful get and set methods, if we do not prevent the direct access of variables by other objects.

Java provides several of levels of access to the variables and methods defined in a class. We shall investigate the access control provided by the following keywords:

  • public
  • private
You may, as an optional extension of your reading, wish to look into a third keyword related to access:
  • protected
Those variables and methods we wish to hide from other objects should be declared as private. Those variables and methods we wish other objects to have access to should be declared as public. For example, a MyCircle object may be defined as follows:
class MyCircle
  // private variables
  private int x;
  private int y;
  private int radius;
   //... etc.

  // public methods
    public int getX(){ return x; }
    public void setX( int newX ) {x = newX; }
    //... etc.

This MyCircle class has only private variables, and only public methods ?this arrangement is quite common:
class MyCircle
int x
int y
int radius
  int getX()
  void setX( int newX )
Since all the variables are private, this means another object cannot get access to them directly. So in order for another object to create changes in a MyCircle object it must send messages corresponding to the MyCircle object's public methods.

The protocol of an object is made up of its public methods.

The default is that, unless specified otherwise, a variable is not public.

Were a program to attempt to access a private variable, Java would respond that the variable is not accessible. This is demonstrated by the applet below, which creates a MyCircle object and then tries to send a message to retrieve the value of a private variable (radius):

//<APPLET code = "AccessApplet.class" width=275 height=200></APPLET>

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

public class AccessApplet extends Applet

public void paint (Graphics g)
MyCircle circle1 = new MyCircle();
g.drawString("Circle X position is: " + circle1.getX(), 20, 20);
g.drawString("Circle1 radius is: " + circle.radius, 20, 20);

Note that classes themselves, as well as variable and methods, can have their access defined. Thus a public class must be defined in a file with the same name as the class, an is one that can be used by other instances of other classes. Classes can be private, and only accessible to some other class defined in the same file.

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