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Defining a more complex Class

Considering a library records system, we shall define a class for text items as follows:

class TextItem
  // variables
  String title;
  int numPages;
  String shelfMark;
  boolean onLoan;
  int daysLate;

  // methods
  void TextItem( String itemTitle,int itemNumPages, 
                  String itemShelfMark) 
  { // method implementation }

  String getTitle() { // method implementation 

  int getNumPages() { // method implementation

  String getShelfMark() { // method implementation

  boolean getLoanStatus() {// method implementation

  void setLoanStatus(boolean newLoanStatus) 
  { // method implementation 

  int getDaysLate() { // method implementation

  void setDaysLate(int newDaysLate)
  {//method imlementation

  double getFine() { // method implementation 

  void informBorrowerOfFine( <args> ) 
  {// method  implementation 


For now the implementation of the methods has been replaced with comments.

As can be seen from the class definition, the class defines 5 variables:

These correspond to attributes identified during analysis and modelling. However, another attribute was also identified, which has not been implemented as a variable in this class. That other attribute was the fine due on a TextItem object. 

A general rule of thumb, when performance is not a major issue, is never to store a value that can be calculated when it is needed. If we assume that the fine for a TextItem is always 0.05 pounds for each day late, since we have the variable daysLate already stored as a variable, we can always calculate the fine when needed.

A method that needs to find out the fine is the getFine() method, which we might implement as follows:

double getFine()
  return (0.05 * daysLate);
This method calculates the fine and returns the result of the calculation as a reply.
Implementation observation
Not every attribute identified in analysis and modelling is implemented as a variable.
If a value can be calculated form other variables, then a get() method is all that is needed ?the implemented variable will be set via changes to the variables that make up its calculation.

This class of objects has behaviour. For example, the method informBorrowerOfFine(<args>) may result in the retrieval of a borrower's address, and a letter being sent to them, if the fine reaches a certain amount (say 5.00 pounds).

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