Discussion Topic 2 — concrete and conceptual
At the start of this unit the ideas of
'concrete' and 'conceptual' objects were introduced. It was suggested that a 'picture' was
a 'conceptual' object, not a concrete one. However, it could be argued that a picture is
'concrete': you may have a photograph which you can hold in your hand, so obviously it is
a 'real' thing. On the other hand, you can copy a photograph many times, and each copy
would be the 'same' picture. So in that sense there is a 'picture' which is different from
the physical embodiment of the picture. Which point of view do you think is correct here?
Is a picture concrete or conceptual? This is not an abstract academic discussion; in some
computer applications an understanding of this issue is essential to efficient use of the
Contribution for Discussion Topic 2 ?concrete and conceptual classes
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