Activity 1 ?MyCircle and MySquare extensions of MyShape A class has been defined called MyShape. This class has the following variables and methods: | class MyShape | | Variables | Methods | Public | int xPos | | Public | int yPos | | Public | | MyShape() | Public | | void setX( int newX ) | Public | | void setY( int newY ) | See the listing of Look at this listing for import java.applet.Applet; import java.awt.*; public class ShapeApplet extends Applet { MyCircle shape1; MySquare shape2; public void paint( Graphics g ) { shape1 = new MyCircle(); shape1.setX(100); shape1.draw( g ); shape2 = new MySquare(); shape2.setY(20); shape2.draw( g ); } } You need to define 2 new classes, called MyCircle and MyClass that both are direct subclasses of MyShape . Each class should have a constructor method (setting initial values to appropriate instance variable such as radius for the circle and sideLenth for the square), and should also define a draw( Garphics g ) method that makes use of the inherited xPos and yPos instance variables. You can use the file Shape.html to load the applet into the appletviewer. Discussion/Suggested solution to Activity 1 Back to content Back to top  RITSEC - Global Campus Copyright © 1999 RITSEC- Middlesex University. All rights reserved.