Exercise 4 — Multiple inheritance Draw a UML diagram to show the relationships between classes InputReceiver , MyButton , Component , image and Icon as described in the text. "Any object that can receive input from the user is a subclass of InputReceiver . Examples might include buttons, menus, window borders, etc. Any object that can be displayed in a window is a subclass of Component . The class called MyButton displays a button in a window. This is a subclass of InputReceiver (because we can activate the button by pressing the space bar, or clicking the mouse). It is a subclass of Component because it can be displayed in a window. Icon and image are subclasses of Component , but not subclasses of InputReceiver . " Where is the multiple inheritance in this system? Show it in a UML diagram. Can the system be reorganised so that it does not exhibit multiple inheritance? Discussion of Exercise 4 Back to content Back to top 
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