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Content Page # 7

Applet class to display a button

To create a button in an applet window that looks as follows:

we can define an applet class (in a file called Button1.java):

// Button1.java

// A program that creates a button

// Kevin Boone, May 1999

import java.applet.Applet;

import java.awt.*;

public class Button1 extends Applet


public Button1()


  Button myButton = new Button ("Click me");

  add (myButton);


} // class

A simple HTML file can be used to make the appletviewer run the applet:


<APPLET CODE="Button1.class" height=100 width=200></APPLET>


Of course, we have not coded any actions to respond to the event of a user clicking on the button with their mouse - so if the button is clicked nothing happens.

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