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Table of Contents

Introduction to Unit 10
Java applications

Limitations of applets
Advantages of applets 
What a GUI application must do

Providing a start point 
Creating the main window
Example of creating the main window with subclass of Frame 
Managing the main window
Closing the main window and stopping the program 
Running the program 

Example  Circle application
Converting an applet to an application 

Circle example as an applet
Java applications — Activities and Exercises 


Files — Assigned reading 
What is a file? 
Java’s ‘File’ class
Example of using File class 
The ‘byte stream’ model of a file 
Java byte input streams

Example of reading bytes from a FileInputStream
Buffered and character input streams

Creating a BufferedReader
Output byte streams

Example of interactive programs writing/reading files
Other file ‘stream’ models
Non-stream files access
File handling exceptions

Files — Activities and Exercises
Exceptions — Assigned reading
Introduction to exceptions
Exceptions and errors
User and system errors-Correct response to exceptions and errors

What is a ‘crash’?
What happens if exceptions are ignored?
Why exceptions get ignored
Java’s exception handling scheme

Catching an exception
Passing an exception upwards
Exception classes
Defining new exceptions

Throwing an exception
Java run-time exceptions
Java ‘error’ classes

Exceptions Activities and exercises

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