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精选文章 >> Tomcat >> Tomcat Servlet Container

由 webmaster 发布于: 2001-02-08 12:41

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Tomcat Servlet Container

This subproject contains the source code for the Tomcat servlet container (and
JSP engine) that conforms to the Java Servlet API Specification (version 2.2)
and the JavaServer Pages Specificaton (version 1.1).

Installing and Building Tomcat

In order to successfully build Tomcat, you will need to do the following. In
the instructions below, $JAKARTA_HOME is assumed to be the directory into which
you are installing all of the required distributions.

* Download and install a version 1.1 or later Java Development Kit
implementation for your operating system platform. Set a "JAVA_HOME"
environment variable to point at the directory where your JDK is installed,
and add "$JAVA_HOME/bin" to your PATH. Configure the CLASSPATH environment
variable as well, if required.

* Download and install an XML parser that is compliant with the Java API for
XML Parsing specification. You will need to add the appropriate JAR files
for your parser to your system classpath. Parsers known to work with
Tomcat include:

* The JAXP reference implementation (version 1.0 or later), which can be
downloaded from <http://java.sun.com/xml>.

* The Xerces parser (version 1.1.2 or later), which can be downloaded
from <http://xml.apache.org>.

* Download and install the Java API for XML Parsing implementation (get version
1.0 or later) from <http://java.sun.com/xml>. Make sure that the
"jaxp.jar" and "parser.jar" files are on your class path.

* Download and install the Ant distribution (subproject "jakarta-ant") into
a directory named "$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant". If you have downloaded the
source distribution, you will need to build the executable version by
executing the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-ant
./bootstrap.sh <-- Unix
bootstrap <-- Windows

This should result in the creation of a file "ant.jar" in the "lib"
subdirectory, which will be used when building Tomcat.

* Download and install the Servletapi distribution (subproject
"jakarta-servletapi") into a subdirectory named
"$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi". If you have downloaded the source
distribution, you will need to build the executable version by
executing the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-servletapi
./build.sh dist <-- Unix
build dist <-- Windows

This should result in the creation of a file "servlet.jar" in the "lib"
subdirectory, which will be used when building Tomcat.

* Download the source distribution of Tomcat (subpackage "jakarta-tomcat"),
or check it out via anonymous CVS, into a subdirectory named
"$JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat". You can now build an "unpacked" version
of Tomcat (quicker builds because no time is spent JARing up results)
by executing the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat
./build.sh <-- Unix
build <-- Windows

This version can be executed as follows:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat
./bin/startup.sh <-- Unix
bin\startup <-- Windows

and it can be shut down as follows:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat
./bin/shutdown.sh <-- Unix
bin\shutdown <-- Windows

* You can also build a binary distribution version of Tomcat as follows:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat
./build.sh dist <-- Unix
build dist <-- Windows

This will create a distribution in "$JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat" that is
equivalent (in file arrangement) to the binary distribution releases
of Tomcat that can be downloaded from the Jakarta web site at

* You can delete the generated files in the "build/tomcat" and "dist/tomcat"
directories by executing the following:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/jakarta-tomcat
./build.sh clean <-- Unix
build clean <-- Windows

Running the Build

You can run the "unpacked" version of Tomcat as follows:

* To start Tomcat, execute the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat
./bin/startup.sh <-- Unix
bin\startup <-- Windows

* You can now access the default web pages from a web browser at URL:


* To stop Tomcat, execute the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat
./bin/shutdown.sh <-- Unix
bin\shutdown <-- Windows

You can run the "distribution" version of Tomcat as follows:

* To start Tomcat, execute the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat
./bin/startup.sh <-- Unix
bin\startup <-- Windows

* You can now access the default web pages from a web browser at URL:


* To stop Tomcat, execute the following commands:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat
./bin/shutdown.sh <-- Unix
bin\shutdown <-- Windows

Alternatively, you can run Tomcat without changing your current working
directory, by setting the TOMCAT_HOME environment variable to point at the
Tomcat files you have built (for example, at directory
"$JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat" or "$JAKARTA_HOME/dist/tomcat"). Now, you
can start Tomcat as follows:

$TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.sh <-- Unix
%TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\startup <-- Windows

and shut it down likewise:

$TOMCAT_HOME/bin/shutdown.sh <-- Unix
%TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\shutdown <-- Windows

Testing the Build

Tomcat includes a small web application with some quick tests to exercize
the various parts of the server. It is built automatically, along with the
rest of Tomcat, by the steps described above. To run the tests against the
"unpacked" build, for example, you would do the following:

cd $JAKARTA_HOME/build/tomcat <-- Unix
./bin/tomcat.sh ant -buildfile conf/test-tomcat.xml

cd %JAKARTA_HOME%\build\tomcat <-- Windows
bin\tomcat ant -buildfile conf\test-tomcat.xml

You can also use the Watchdog compatibility test suite, also available at
<http://jakarta.apache.org>, to test Tomcat's compliance to the servlet and
JSP specifications.

Before Committing Changes

Before committing any changes to the Tomcat CVS repository, you MUST do a
"build clean" followed by a "build dist" to ensure that the build process runs
cleanly, and you must ensure that the tests run correctly.

资料来源: JSP001.com