>> solaris 专栏
>> 钱飞老师的solaris技术问答(11)-Solaris 2.3之信件头日期部表示异常
由 fei 发布于: 2001-03-06 14:30
问: Solaris 2.3上收到的信件之信件头日期部表示不正确.例如在东京地区表示例 如下:
Date: The, 13 Dec 1994 11:20:00 --900
东京地区的格林威治时差应为"+0900"(超前9小时). 这是什么原因?
答: 据SUN称,这是由余系统的以下BUG所致.目前尚无纠错差分文件和相应的回避方 法.
Bug Id: 1141302
Category: utility
Subcategory: sendmail
Release summary: s1093, s1093_beta1.0
Synopsis: 'Date:', 'From:', and 'Subject:' fields are strange
Patch id:
[arii, 12/21/93]
This bug still exists in SunOS 5.3 FCS. The bug should be re-opened.
1. In the receipt mail there's two 'Subject:' fields, one for the
receipt and one for the original subject.
2. The time shows '--' instead of '+' as a prefix to timezone
3. The recept mail shows 'From' as the original sender and not