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精选文章 >> websphere >> First Contact WAS(2)

由 george 发布于: 2001-03-07 08:20


Installation of WAS 3.0

Now, you are involving the last step of the installation. I will expain each detail about it becoz it is important for successful installtion.

1)Run setup.exe file, an InstallShield package appares.

2)Pass the initial page by pressing Next button.

3)Select Custom Installation option, thennext

4)Select IBM HTTP Server Theorily, you can install Websphere plug-ins into multiple WebServers at once. For this example, we just install into the recently installed IBM HTTP Server.

5)Select Configure administrative domain with defaultThis is important if you wanna run the samples provided by IBM. then Next

6) Select IBM JDK, then Next

7)Now, you will enter major configure page., which configure database access and user ID.Database access is most important to WAS3.0 becoz it stores the server configuration in a set of specially defined tables in the database. Also note that if you use an invalid user ID to install websphere, it will not successfully register the websphere Admin Server to the WIndows NT service database.UNDERSTAND? you should say SURE!

8) you have to fill in the user ID and password before for your database when you installed DB2. Then Next

9) Now, near he endof the install, you are asked for the location o fthe IBM HTTP server configuration file. You should specify it. Click OK to finish updating the files and installing

Donot rush, We havenot finished the installation at all, so donot reboot your computer.

We have to Configuration a database for the admin configuration. As I said before, we have to store the configration of WAS. it is should be a database named was, URL is jdbc:db2:was. So we need to create it and set DB2 application heap size for it.

create database was
update db cfg for was using applheapsz 256

right? Ya, absolutely!

11) Now restart your machine.


if you took mistakes during installation and wanna reintsall it, you have to uninstall WAS first and drop the was database then reinstall WAS.

Next, I will introduce how to test your installation. Many friends asked how to know everything is OK. OK, follow me, everything must be OK.

资料来源: JSP001.com