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Executes JavaScript code when a MouseOver event occurs; that is, once each time the mouse pointer moves over an object or area from outside that object or area.
If the mouse moves from one area into another in a client-side image map, you'll get onMouseOut for the first area, then onMouseOver for the second.
Area objects that use onMouseOver must include the HREF attribute within the AREA tag.
You must return true within the event handler if you want to set the status or defaultStatus properties with onMouseOver.
By default, the HREF value of an anchor displays in the status bar at the bottom of the browser when a user places the mouse pointer over the anchor. In the following example, onMouseOver provides the custom message "Click this if you dare."
<A HREF="http://home.netscape.com/" onMouseOver="window.status='Click this if you dare!'; return true"> Click me</A>
See onClick for an example of using onMouseOver when the A tag's HREF attribute is set dynamically.
See also示例 for Link.
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