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Executes JavaScript code when a submit event occurs; that is, when a user submits a form.
Navigator 4.0: Submitting a form to a mailto: or news: URL requires the UniversalSendMail privilege. 要获取 Navigator 4.0 中关于安全性更多的信息,请看“JavaScript 指南”中的第七章“JavaScript 安全性”。
You can use onSubmit to prevent a form from being submitted; to do so, put a return statement that returns false in the event handler. Any other returned value lets the form submit. If you omit the return statement, the form is submitted.
In the following example, onSubmit calls the validate function to evaluate the data being submitted. If the data is valid, the form is submitted; otherwise, the form is not submitted.
<FORM onSubmit="return validate(this)"> ... </FORM>
See also the示例 for Form.
Submit, Form.submit
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