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A.16. Logging

A.16.1. Log

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP License - By Jon Parise (lead)

Logging utilities

A.16.1.1 Description

The Log framework provides an abstracted logging system. It supports logging to console, file, syslog, SQL, Sqlite, mail and mcal targets. It also provides a subject - observer mechanism.

A.16.2. Log_Parser

Repository: PEAR - License: PHP 3.0 - By Tobias Schlitt (lead) - Nicolas Chaillan (developer) - Xavier Noguer (developer)

A parser for nearly any kind of logfile.

A.16.2.1 Description

This package gives you the ability to parse nearly any logfile. You can configure your own log-format in a XML-styled configurationfile and provide it to others for later use. Another posibility is filtering the loglines you get from the parser.

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