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This book could not have been written without feedback from our technical reviewers; therefore, we would like to thank Marcus Börger, Steph Fox, Martin Jansen, and Rob Richards for their excellent comments and feedback. Besides these four reviewers, there are a few more people who helped answer several questions during the writing of this book, more specifically Christian Stocker for helping with the XML chapter, Wez Furlong and Sara Golemon for answering questions about the streams layer, Pierre-Alain Joye for providing some insights in the inner workings of the GD library, and less specifically the PEAR community for their support and dedication to a great repository of usable PEAR components. Some sections in this book were contributed by co-authors; Georg Richter contributed the MySQLi section of the database chapter, and Zeev Suraski added the section on Zend's Performance Suite.

We would also like to thank Mark L. Taub and the editorial team of Pearson PTR for the things they are good at doing: organizing, planning, and marketing this book, and making sure everything fits together. Thanks to Janet Valade, for helpful developmental editing support, and our project editor Kristy Hart, who helped us wrap up the book under pressure and put the final touches on it.

Andi, Stig, and Derick

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