DomNode->insert_before(No version information available, might be only in CVS) DomNode->insert_before — Inserts new node as child 说明
domelement DomNode->insert_before
( domelement $newnode
, domelement $refnode
This function inserts the new node newnode right before the node refnode . The return value is the inserted node. If you plan to do further modifications on the appended child you must use the returned node. (PHP >= 4.3 only) If newnode already is part of a document, it will be first unlinked from its existing context. If refnode is NULL, then newnode will be inserted at the end of the list of children. domnode_insert_before() is very similar to domnode_append_child() as the following example shows which does the same as the example at domnode_append_child().
Example#1 Adding a child
<?php See also domnode_append_child(). |