sqlite_execSQLiteDatabase->exec(No version information available, might be only in CVS) SQLiteDatabase->exec — Executes a result-less query against a given database 说明
bool sqlite_exec
( resource $dbhandle
, string $query
[, string &$error_msg
] )
bool sqlite_exec
( string $query
, resource $dbhandle
Object oriented style (method): SQLiteDatabase
bool queryExec
( string $query
[, string &$error_msg
] )
Executes an SQL statement given by the query against a given database handle (specified by the dbhandle parameter). Warning
SQLite will execute multiple queries separated by semicolons, so you can use it to execute a batch of SQL that you have loaded from a file or have embedded in a script. 参数
返回值This function will return a boolean result; TRUE for success or FALSE for failure. If you need to run a query that returns rows, see sqlite_query(). 由 SQLITE_ASSOC 和 SQLITE_BOTH 返回的列名会根据 sqlite.assoc_case 配置选项的值来决定大小写。 更新日志
Example#1 Procedural example
Example#2 Object-oriented example
<?php |