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(PECL svn:0.1-0.2)

svn_log — Returns the commit log messages of a repository URL


array svn_log ( string $repos_url [, int $revision_no ] )

svn_log() returns the complete history of the item at the repository URL repos_url , or the history of a specific revision if revision_no is set. This function is equivalent to svn log --verbose -r $revision_no $repos_url .


For repositories with large histories, the output may be quite large (one array item for every revision of the item). This function does not support the --limit NUM flag, nor does it support revision ranges (revision_no must be an integer).



Repository URL of the item to retrieve log history from.


Revision number of the log to retrieve. Use SVN_REVISON_HEAD to retrieve the log for the most recent revision.


On success, this function returns an array file listing in the format of:

[0] => Array, ordered most recent (highest) revision first
    [rev] => integer revision number
    [author] => string author name
    [msg] => string log message
    [date] => string date formatted per ISO 8601, i.e. date('c')
    [paths] => Array, describing changed files
            [0] => Array
                    [action] => string letter signifying change
                    [path] =>  absolute repository path of changed file
            [1] => ...
[1] => ...

Note: The output will always be a numerically indexed array of arrays, even when there are none or only one log message(s).

The value of action is a subset of the » status output in the first column, where possible values are:

Letter Description
M Item/props was modified
A Item was added
D Item was deleted
R Item was replaced

If no changes were made to the item, an empty array is returned.



本函数是实验性的。本函数的行为,包括函数名称以及其它任何关于本函数的文档可能会在没有通知的情况下随 PHP 以后的发布而改变。使用本函数风险自担。


Example#1 svn_log() example

svn_log('http://www.example.com/'23) );


    [0] => Array
        [rev] => 23
        [author] => 'joe'
        [msg] => 'Add cheese and salami to our sandwich.'
        [date] => '2007-04-06T16:00:27-04:00'
        [paths] => Array
                [0] => Array
                        [action] => 'M'
                        [path] =>  '/sandwich.txt'

Example#2 Simulating --limit with svn and svn_log()

This sample function simulates the --limit switch by using the SVN executable to return a list of revisions, which are then losslessly accessed using svn_log().

Note: This function will perform a total of limit + 1 requests: the first request to pull the required revisions, and each one after to retrieve the log item for that request.

 * Retrieves the last $limit log entries.
 * @param $repos_url Repository URL of item to get logs for
 * @param $limit Integer limit of items
function svn_log_limit($repos_url$limit) {
$limit = (int) $limit;
    if (
$limit <= 0) return array();
// -q flag used to prevent server from sending log messages
$output shell_exec("svn log -q --limit $limit $repos_url");
preg_match_all('/^r(\d+) /m'$output$matches);
$ret = array();
    foreach (
$matches[1] as $rev) {
$log svn_log($repos_url, (int) $rev);
$ret[] = $log[0]; // log is only one item long