MCVE (Monetra) Payment Functions简介These functions interface the MCVE (Monetra) API (libmonetra, formerly known as libmcve), allowing you to work directly with MCVE/Monetra from your PHP scripts. MCVE/Monetra is Main Street Softworks' solution to direct credit/debit/gift card processing for Linux/Unix/MacOSX/Windows ( » http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/ ). It lets you directly address the credit card clearing houses via your *nix box, modem and/or internet connection (bypassing the need for an additional service such as Authorize.Net or Pay Flow Pro). Using the MCVE/Monetra module for PHP, you can process credit cards directly through MCVE/Monetra via your PHP scripts. The following references will outline the process.
安装To enable MCVE (Monetra) Support in PHP, first verify your LibMonetra (formerly libmcve) installation directory. If you are compiling MCVE/Monetra support directly into PHP, you will then need to configure PHP with the --with-mcve option. If you use this option without specifying the path to your libmonetra installation, PHP will attempt to look in the default LibMonetra Install location (/usr/local). If Monetra (MCVE) is in a non-standard location, run configure with: --with-mcve=$mcve_path, where $mcve_path is the path to your MCVE/Monetra installation. Please note that MCVE/Monetra support requires that $mcve_path/lib and $mcve_path/include exist, and include mcve.h or monetra.h under the include directory and libmcve.so and/or libmcve.a and/or libmonetra.so and/or libmonetra.a under the lib directory. If you want to install MCVE/Monetra support as a module, you can do so by using the PECL repository, and issuing the 'pecl install mcve' command if you are running a PEAR version of at least 1.4.0. Since MCVE/Monetra has true server/client separation, there are no additional requirements for running PHP with MCVE support. To test your MCVE/Monetra extension in PHP, you may connect to testbox.monetra.com on port 8333 for IP, or port 8444 for SSL using the MCVE/Monetra PHP API. Use 'vitale' for your username, and 'test' for your password. Additional information about test facilities are available at » http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/. 参见Additional documentation about MCVE/Monetra's PHP API can be found at » http://www.mainstreetsoftworks.com/documentation.html. Main Street's documentation is complete and should be the primary reference for functions. 资源类型This extension defines a MCVE_CONN resource returned by m_initconn(). Table of Contents