VBScript 5.0
The Eval function takes a single argument, evaluates it as a VBScript expression, and returns the result of this evaluation.
If the expression is of the form a = b, it is treated as an equality comparison. If the comparison is true, then True is returned. Otherwise, False is returned.
There is a statement, Execute, which is similar in operation to the Eval function. Execute differs in that it interprets a string expression as one or a series of statments to be executed, and in the fact that it does not return a value.
Code: <% ThisVar = 5.556 AnotherVar = 5.556 %> <% =Eval(ThisVar = AnotherVar) %>
Output: true
Code: <% MyVar = Eval(CInt(12345.6789)) %> <% =MyVar %>
Output: 12345