OBJECT: Files Collection The Files collection contains a set of File objects and is usually stored as a property of another object, such as a Folder object. The following code demonstrates how to get a Files collection and list the contents in the browser. Code: <% Dim filesys, demofolder, fil, filecoll, filist Set filesys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set demofolder = filesys.GetFolder("foldername") Set filcoll = demofolder.FIles For Each fil in filecoll filist = filist & fil.name filist = filist & "<BR>" Next Response.Write filist %> PROPERTIES Count Property Returns an integer that tells us how many File objects there are in the collection. Syntax: object.Count Item Property Retrieves an Item from a collection based on a specified key (filename). Syntax: object.Item("filename") METHODS The Files collection has no Methods.