Defining a
class in Java
The implementation of a class in Java
always looks similar to the following:
// variables
// methods
A class defines a set of variables (technical
instance variables, or fields, or attributes) and
a set of methods. A class definition acts as a template for each
instance of the class created when a Java program runs. When a Java program
runs none, one or many instances (objects) may be created from a single
Classes are central to a Java program.
Every program must have at least one. The program may use classes to represent
real world (concrete) categories of object, or the program classes may
be entirely internal (such as user interface classes like Button, MenuItem
etc.) Program instructions can only exist inside methods, which are inside
The program designer decides what variables
and methods to define as part of a class after analysis and modelling activities,
prior to coding at a computer.
variables before methods
In fact it is only a convention
that a class's variables are defined before its methods ?the Java compiler
does not mind if they are mixed up.
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