
亨利·马蒂斯 作品欣赏

 第组 / 共 50 组
Self-Portrait in Shirtsleeves, 1900The Terrace, St. Tropez, 1904The moulade, 1905The Riverbank, 1907Body of a Girl, 1918Purple Robe and Anemones, 1937Landscape viewed from a Window, 1913Apples on a Table, Green Background, 1916The Blue Window, 1911Interior with a Girl Reading, 1905

红色餐桌, 1908

Self-Portrait in Shirtsleeves, 1900  Self-Portrait in Shirtsleeves, 1900 
The Terrace, St. Tropez, 1904  The Terrace, St. Tropez, 1904 
The moulade, 1905  The moulade, 1905 
The Riverbank, 1907  The Riverbank, 1907 
Body of a Girl, 1918  Body of a Girl, 1918 
Purple Robe and Anemones, 1937  Purple Robe and Anemones, 1937 
Landscape viewed from a Window, 1913  Landscape viewed from a Window, 1913 
Apples on a Table, Green Background, 1916  Apples on a Table, Green Background, 1916 
The Blue Window, 1911  The Blue Window, 1911 
Interior with a Girl Reading, 1905  Interior with a Girl Reading, 1905 


亨利·马蒂斯 (Henri Matisse 1869-1954) 二十世纪最伟大的善于运用色彩的画家,野兽派的代表人物。他也是一位出色的雕塑家,他是现代派雕塑的先驱者之一,其雕塑作品追求简洁、结实的风格。以使用鲜明、大胆的色彩而著名。
