
文森特·凡·高 作品欣赏

-- 巴黎时期-1(1886-88)

View of Paris from near Montmartre <br>巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886 <br>Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland View of Roofs and Backs of Houses <br>巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886 <br>Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum Pont du Carrousel and the Louvre, The <br>巴黎 -- Paris, June, 1886 <br>Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek Vase with Myosotis and Peonies <br>巴黎 -- Paris, June, 1886 <br>Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum Lane at the Jardin du Luxembourg <br>巴黎 -- Paris, June-July, 1886 <br>Williamstown (Mass.), Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute Cineraria in a Flowerpot <br>巴黎 -- Paris, July-August, 1886 <br>Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen Kingfisher, The <br>巴黎 -- Paris, Second half, 1886 <br>Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum Pair of Shoes, A <br>巴黎 -- Paris, Second half 1886 <br>Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The <br>巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886 <br>Private collection

Bowl with Daffodils

The two years Van Gogh spent in Paris were arguably the most pivotal of his career as an artist. Van Gogh went to Paris as a means of saving money (by living with his brother, Theo) and also to explore the radically new approach to art which had been ushered in by the Impressionists. Vincent encountered many of the giants of Impressionism during his time in Paris: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Emile Bernard, Camille Pissarro, Georges Seurat and, of course, Paul Gauguin. While Vincent didn't fully accept many of the theories put forth by the Impressionists (on many occasions he would passionately argue with his contemporaries late into the night in the cafes of Montmartre), he nevertheless adapted some of their techniques in a manner that would further define his own unique style. In Paris, Van Gogh's palette came alive.


Bowl with Daffodils 标题: Bowl with Daffodils
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Le Blute-Fin Mill 标题: Le Blute-Fin Mill
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, 1886
目前所在地:Zwolle (Netherlands), Museum de Fundatie
Portrait of a Woman Seated 标题: Portrait of a Woman Seated
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Portrait of a Woman with Hat 标题: Portrait of a Woman with Hat
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Flowers in a Blue Vase 标题: Flowers in a Blue Vase
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, 1886-87
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Flowers 标题: Vase with Flowers
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, 1886-87
目前所在地:Private collection
Pair of Shoes, A 标题: Pair of Shoes, A
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, First half, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Portrait of a Woman, Facing Right 标题: Portrait of a Woman, Facing Right
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, First half, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Fritillaries 标题: Fritillaries
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Location unknown
Glass with Hellebores 标题: Glass with Hellebores
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Nude Study of a Little Girl, Seated 标题: Nude Study of a Little Girl, Seated
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Female Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Horse 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Horse
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Kneeling Man 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Kneeling Man
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Plaster Statuette of a Male Torso 标题: Plaster Statuette of a Male Torso
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat 标题: Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat at the Easel 标题: Self-Portrait with Dark Felt Hat at the Easel
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Self-Portrait with Pipe 标题: Self-Portrait with Pipe
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Self-Portrait with Pipe 标题: Self-Portrait with Pipe
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Sloping Path in Montmartre 标题: Sloping Path in Montmartre
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Still Life with Scabiosa and Ranunculus 标题: Still Life with Scabiosa and Ranunculus
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Osaka, Takahata Art Gallery
Tambourine with Pansies 标题: Tambourine with Pansies
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
View of Paris from near Montmartre 标题: View of Paris from near Montmartre
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Dublin, National Gallery of Ireland
View of Roofs and Backs of Houses 标题: View of Roofs and Backs of Houses
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Spring, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Pont du Carrousel and the Louvre, The 标题: Pont du Carrousel and the Louvre, The
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, June, 1886
目前所在地:Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
Vase with Myosotis and Peonies 标题: Vase with Myosotis and Peonies
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, June, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Lane at the Jardin du Luxembourg 标题: Lane at the Jardin du Luxembourg
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, June-July, 1886
目前所在地:Williamstown (Mass.), Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute
Cineraria in a Flowerpot 标题: Cineraria in a Flowerpot
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, July-August, 1886
目前所在地:Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen
Kingfisher, The 标题: Kingfisher, The
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Second half, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Pair of Shoes, A 标题: Pair of Shoes, A
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Second half 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The 标题: Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Bowl with Chrysanthemums 标题: Bowl with Chrysanthemums
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Monte Carlo Art SA
Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The 标题: Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Zurich, Private collection
Coleus Plant in a Flowerpot 标题: Coleus Plant in a Flowerpot
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Fourteenth of July Celebration in Paris, The 标题: Fourteenth of July Celebration in Paris, The
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Winterthur, Villa Flora
Geranium in a Flowerpot 标题: Geranium in a Flowerpot
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Ginger Jar Filled with Chrysanthemums 标题: Ginger Jar Filled with Chrysanthemums
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Glass with Roses 标题: Glass with Roses
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Le Moulin de Blute-Fin 标题: Le Moulin de Blute-Fin
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Tokyo, Bridgestone Museum of Art
Le Moulin de la Galette 标题: Le Moulin de la Galette
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Glasgow, Glasgow Art Gallery and Museum
Still Life with Bloaters 标题: Still Life with Bloaters
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Basle, Kunstmuseum (on loan from Staechelin Foundation)
Still Life with Bloaters 标题: Still Life with Bloaters
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Basle, Kunstmuseum (on loan from Staechelin Foundation)
Still Life with Meat, Vegetables and Pottery 标题: Still Life with Meat, Vegetables and Pottery
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:New York, J. Lipchitz
Still Life with Two Herrings, a Cloth and a Glass 标题: Still Life with Two Herrings, a Cloth and a Glass
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:United States, Collection Scharenguival
Twilight, before the Storm: Montmartre 标题: Twilight, before the Storm: Montmartre
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:France, Collection G. Darrieutort
Vase with Asters, Salvia and Other Flowers 标题: Vase with Asters, Salvia and Other Flowers
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:The Hague, Haags Gemeentemuseum
Vase with Carnations 标题: Vase with Carnations
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum
Vase with Carnations 标题: Vase with Carnations
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Rotterdam, Museum Boijmans van Beuningen
Vase with Carnations 标题: Vase with Carnations
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Detroit, The Detroit Institute of Arts
Vase with Carnations and Other Flowers 标题: Vase with Carnations and Other Flowers
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Washington, D.C., Kreeger Museum
Vase with Carnations and Zinnias 标题: Vase with Carnations and Zinnias
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Daisies 标题: Vase with Daisies
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Philadelphia, The Philadelphia Museum of Art
Vase with Gladioli and Carnations 标题: Vase with Gladioli and Carnations
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Gladioli and Carnations 标题: Vase with Gladioli and Carnations
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen
Vase with Gladioli and Lilac 标题: Vase with Gladioli and Lilac
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Peonies 标题: Vase with Peonies
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Red Gladioli 标题: Vase with Red Gladioli
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Vevey (Switzerland), Musée Jenisch
Vase with Red Gladioli 标题: Vase with Red Gladioli
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Red Gladioli 标题: Vase with Red Gladioli
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Red Poppies 标题: Vase with Red Poppies
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Hartford (Conn.), Wadsworth Atheneum
Vase with Viscaria 标题: Vase with Viscaria
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Cairo, Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil Museum
Vase with White and Red Carnations 标题: Vase with White and Red Carnations
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Zinnias 标题: Vase with Zinnias
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Washington, D.C., Kreeger Museum
Vase with Zinnias and Geraniums 标题: Vase with Zinnias and Geraniums
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada
Vase with Zinnias and Other Flowers 标题: Vase with Zinnias and Other Flowers
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Ottawa, National Gallery of Canada
White Vase with Roses and Other Flowers 标题: White Vase with Roses and Other Flowers
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection
Vase with Asters and Phlox 标题: Vase with Asters and Phlox
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Late Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Vase with Gladioli 标题: Vase with Gladioli
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Late Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
View of Paris from Montmartre 标题: View of Paris from Montmartre
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Late Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Basle, Offentliche Kunstsammlung, Kunstmuseum Basel
View of the Roofs of Paris 标题: View of the Roofs of Paris
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Late Summer, 1886
目前所在地:Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum
Bowl with Sunflowers, Roses and Other Flowers 标题: Bowl with Sunflowers, Roses and Other Flowers
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, August-September, 1886
目前所在地:Mannheim, Stadtische Kunsthalle
Vase with Hollyhocks 标题: Vase with Hollyhocks
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, August-September, 1886
目前所在地:Zurich, Kunsthaus Zurich
Terrace of a Cafe on Montmartre (La Guinguette) 标题: Terrace of a Cafe on Montmartre (La Guinguette)
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, October, 1886
目前所在地:Paris, Musée d'Orsay
Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The 标题: Bois de Boulogne with People Walking, The
创作地点时间:巴黎 -- Paris, Autumn, 1886
目前所在地:Private collection