在下面的例子中,我们要用到一个通过<acme:calendar runat=server>标签声明的组件,请注意,在文件的第一行必须使用<% Register %> 来声明 "Acme Xml "标签的的前缀"Acme".在asp+ 文件中,将会使用这个命名的服务器控件的类的实例。
<%@ Register TagPrefix="Acme" Namespace="Acme" %> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet"href="intro.css"> </head>
<script language="VB" runat=server> Sub SubmitBtn_Click(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
Message.Text = "Hi " & Name.Text & ", you selected: " & Category.SelectedItem.Text & " on: " & MyCal.Date End Sub </script>
<body> <center> <form action="intro7.aspx" method="post" runat="server"> <asp:adrotator AdvertisementFile="ads.xml" BorderColor="black" BorderWidth=1 runat="server"/> <h3> Name: <asp:textbox id="Name" runat="server"/>
Category: <asp:dropdownlist id="Category" runat=server> <asp:listitem >psychology</asp:listitem> <asp:listitem >business</asp:listitem>
<asp:listitem >popular_comp</asp:listitem> </asp:dropdownlist> <asp:button type=submit text="Lookup" OnClick="SubmitBtn_Click" runat="server"/> <p>
<Acme:Calendar id="MyCal" runat=server/> <p> <asp:label id="Message" runat="server"/> </form>
</center> </body> </html>
声明Acme 的 文件
using System;
using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Collections;
namespace Acme { public class Calendar : Control, IPostBackEventHandler, IPostBackDataHandler { private String[] monthNames = new String[12]; private DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
private String backColor = "#dcdcdc"; private String foreColor = "#eeeeee";
protected override void Init() { // Todo: We should remove the need to call this Page.RegisterRequiresPostBack(this); Page.RegisterPostBackScript(); currentDate = DateTime.Now;
// Todo: Hack needed because COOL doesn't support array initializers yet monthNames[0] = "January"; monthNames[1] = "February"; monthNames[2] = "March"; monthNames[3] = "April";
monthNames[4] = "May"; monthNames[5] = "June"; monthNames[6] = "July"; monthNames[7] = "August"; monthNames[8] = "September"; monthNames[9] = "October"; monthNames[10] = "November"; monthNames[11] = "December"; }
protected override void LoadState(Object viewState) { // If we've done a post-back, the old date will be available to us if (null != viewState) { currentDate = DateTime.Parse((String) viewState); } }
public void RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument) { //Page.Response.Write("RaisePostBackEvent Called!!!"); if (eventArgument == null) { return; } // Keep track of old date (for event firing purposes)
DateTime oldDate = currentDate; // Todo: We should have post-back take two arguments: eventname and eventarguments if (String.Compare("NavNextMonth", eventArgument, true) == 0) {
currentDate = currentDate.AddMonths(1); } else if (String.Compare("NavPrevMonth", eventArgument, true) == 0) { currentDate = currentDate.AddMonths(-1); }
else { int daySelected = Int32.Parse(eventArgument); currentDate = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, daySelected); } }
protected override Object SaveState() { // Save CurrentDate out as view state for postback scenarios return currentDate.ToString(); }
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter output) { //Response.Write(Page.Request.UserAgent); if (Page.Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("MSIE 5.5") != -1) RenderUpLevel(output); else RenderDownLevel(output); }
protected void RenderUpLevel(HtmlTextWriter output) { output.WriteLine("<input name='" + UniqueID + "_CurrentDate' id='" + UniqueID + "_CurrentDate' type=hidden>"); output.WriteLine("<span id='" + UniqueID + "'></span>");
output.WriteLine("<script language=jscript>drawcalendar('" + UniqueID + "', '" + Int32.Format(currentDate.Year, null) + "/" + Int32.Format(currentDate.Month, null) + "/" + Int32.Format(currentDate.Day, null) + "');</script>"); }
protected override void PreRender() { String DHTMLFunction = ""; DHTMLFunction += "<script language='JavaScript'>"; DHTMLFunction += " function drawcalendar(calname, newDate)
"; DHTMLFunction += " {
"; DHTMLFunction += " var CurrentDate = new Date(newDate);"; DHTMLFunction += " var MonthArray = new Array('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December');";
DHTMLFunction += " var MonthDays = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);"; DHTMLFunction += " var calText;";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = '<table bgcolor=#dcdcdc border=0 height=190 valign=top>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<tr><td>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<center>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + "<a href='javascript:drawcalendar("" + calname + "", "" + CurrentDate.getFullYear() + "/" + CurrentDate.getMonth() + "/" + CurrentDate.getDate() + "")'>";";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<img src=/quickstart/aspplus/images/left4.gif width=11 height=11 border=0></a>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <b>' + MonthArray[CurrentDate.getMonth()] + ' ' + CurrentDate.getFullYear() + '</b>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + " <a href='javascript:drawcalendar("" + calname + "", "" + CurrentDate.getFullYear() + "/" + (CurrentDate.getMonth() + 2) + "/" + CurrentDate.getDate() + "")'>";";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<IMG SRC=/quickstart/aspplus/images/right4.gif width=11 height=11 border=0></a>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</center>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</td></tr>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<tr valign=top><td valign=top>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<table border=1 bgcolor=#eeeeee height=160>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<tr height=20>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Sun </td>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Mon </td>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Tue </td>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Wed </td>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Thu </td>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Fri </td>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + ' <td align=right width=23> Sat </td>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</tr>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<tr>';";
DHTMLFunction += " var numDays = MonthDays[CurrentDate.getMonth()];"; DHTMLFunction += " var firstDay = new Date(1999, 8, 1).getDay();"; DHTMLFunction += " for (var x=0; x<firstDay; x++)"; DHTMLFunction += " {";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<td align=right width=23></td>'"; DHTMLFunction += " }"; DHTMLFunction += " for (var x=1; x<=numDays; x++)
"; DHTMLFunction += " {
"; DHTMLFunction += " if (CurrentDate.getDate() == x)
"; DHTMLFunction += " {
"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<td align=right width=23>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<font color=red><b><u>' + x + '</u></b></font>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</td>';"; DHTMLFunction += " }"; DHTMLFunction += " else
"; DHTMLFunction += " {
"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '<td align=right width=23>';";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + "<a href='javascript:drawcalendar("" + calname + "", "" + CurrentDate.getFullYear() + "/" + (CurrentDate.getMonth()+1) + "/" + x + "")'>" + x + "</a>";";
DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</td>';"; DHTMLFunction += " }";
DHTMLFunction += " if (((firstDay+x) % 7) == 0)"; DHTMLFunction += " {"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</tr><tr>';"; DHTMLFunction += " }";
DHTMLFunction += " }"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</tr>';"; DHTMLFunction += " calText = calText + '</table></td></tr></table>';";
DHTMLFunction += " var CalendarSpan = document.all(calname);";
DHTMLFunction += " if (CalendarSpan != null)";
DHTMLFunction += " CalendarSpan.innerHTML = calText;";
DHTMLFunction += " var CalendarValue = document.all(calname + '_CurrentDate');";
DHTMLFunction += " if (CalendarValue != null)";
DHTMLFunction += " CalendarValue.value = '' + (CurrentDate.getMonth() + 1) + '/' + CurrentDate.getDate() + '/' + CurrentDate.getFullYear();";
DHTMLFunction += " }
"; DHTMLFunction += "</script>";
if (Page.Request.UserAgent.IndexOf("MSIE 5.5") != -1)
Page.RegisterClientScriptBlock("ACME_CALENDAR_DHTML", DHTMLFunction);
protected void RenderDownLevel(HtmlTextWriter output) { // Output Calendar Header
output.WriteLine("<table bgcolor=" + backColor + " border=0 height=190 valign=top><tr><td>");
output.WriteLine("<table bgcolor=" + backColor + " border=0 height=190 valign=top>"); output.WriteLine("<tr><td>"); output.WriteLine("<center>");
output.WriteLine(" <a href="javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "NavPrevMonth") + "">");
output.WriteLine("<img src=/quickstart/aspplus/images/left4.gif width=11 height=11 border=0></a>");
output.WriteLine(" <b>" + monthNames[currentDate.Month-1] + " " + Int32.Format(currentDate.Year, null) + "</b>");
output.WriteLine(" <a href="javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "NavNextMonth") + "">");
output.WriteLine("<IMG SRC=/quickstart/aspplus/images/right4.gif width=11 height=11 border=0></a>"); output.WriteLine("</center>");
output.WriteLine("</td></tr>"); output.WriteLine("<tr valign=top><td valign=top>");
output.WriteLine("<table border=1 bgcolor=" + foreColor + " height=160>");
output.WriteLine("<tr height=20>"); output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Sun </td>");
output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Mon </td>"); output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Tue </td>");
output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Wed </td>");
output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Thu </td>"); output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Fri </td>");
output.WriteLine(" <td align=right width=23> Sat </td>"); output.WriteLine("</tr>"); output.WriteLine("<tr>");
// Calculate how many days are in the month int numDays = DateTime.DaysInMonth(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month);
// Calculate what day of week the first day of the month is on
int firstDay = new DateTime(currentDate.Year, currentDate.Month, 1).DayOfWeek; // Pre-Day Padding
for (int x=0; x<firstDay; x++) { output.WriteLine("<td align=right width=23></td>"); } // Output each day
for (int x=1; x<=numDays; x++) { if (currentDate.Day == x) { output.Write("<td align=right width=23>");
output.Write("<font color=red><b><u>" + Int32.Format(x, null) + "</u></b></font>");
output.WriteLine("</td>"); } else { output.Write("<td align=right width=23>");
output.Write("<a href="javascript:" + Page.GetPostBackEventReference(this, Int32.Format(x, null)) + "">");
output.Write(Int32.Format(x, null) + "</a>"); output.WriteLine("</td>"); }
// PerPage row break as appropriate if (((firstDay+x) % 7) == 0) { output.WriteLine("</tr><tr>"); } }
output.WriteLine("</tr>"); output.WriteLine("</table></td></tr></table></table>"); }
public DateTime Date { get { return currentDate; } set { currentDate = value; } }
public String BackColor { get { return backColor; } set { backColor = value; } }
public String ForeColor { get { return foreColor; } set { foreColor = value; } }
// Todo: We should eliminate the need for a control developer to do stub // implementations of the below standard IPostDataHandler Methods
public bool LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection values) { String clientDate = values[UniqueID + "_CurrentDate"];
if (clientDate != null) currentDate = DateTime.Parse(clientDate); return false; } public void RaisePostDataChangedEvent() { } } }
生成服务器控件的文件 csc /t:library /r:System.Web.dll /r:System.dll /out:.......inAcme.dll Acme.cs csc /t:library /out:.......inWebMarket.dll WebMarket.cs
这个日历的服务器控件可以同时支持高级和低级的浏览器,对于高级的浏览器,他在客户端生成DHTML 代码,DHTML 文档不需要和服务器进行交互!对于低级的浏览器,则生成标准的 HTML 3.2 的代码,这个时候需要和服务器的交互来处理浏览器客户端的用户操作
下一讲,我们将要进入asp+ 操作 数据库 的章节,请大家随时留意我们的站点更新!
(作者:豆腐 来源:网络精英)