您的位置:寻梦网首页编程乐园C/C++编程C Language Course
  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1 Some Historical Background
  • Lesson 2 Data Storage Concepts
  • Lesson 3 Arrays and Pointers
  • Lesson 4 operators of the language
  • Lesson 5 The Pre-processor and Header Files
  • Lesson 6 Libraries, why we have them, and how to make and use them
  • Lesson 7 De-bugging Strategies
  • Lesson 8
  • Copyright notice:-

    (c) 1993 Christopher Sawtell.

    I assert the right to be known as the author, and owner of the intellectual property rights of all the files in this material, except for the quoted examples which have their individual copyright notices. Permission is granted for onward copying, but not modification, of this course and its use for personal study only, provided all the copyright notices are left in the text and are printed in full on any subsequent paper reproduction.

      NAME   Christopher Sawtell                                           
      SMAIL  215 Ollivier's Road, Linwood, Christchurch, 8001. New Zealand.
      EMAIL  chris@gerty.equinox.gen.nz                                    
      PHONE  +64-3-389-3200   ( gmt +13 - your discretion is requested )   