Here are lists of the most commonly used operators and their meanings, with
Table 1. Arithmetic operators
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
+ |
addition |
$a + $b |
- |
subtraction |
$a - $b |
* |
multiplication |
$a * $b |
/ |
division |
$a / $b |
% |
modulus |
$a % $b |
++ |
increment |
$a++ |
-- |
decrement |
$a-- |
Table 2. Logical operators
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
&& |
and |
$a && $b |
|| |
or |
$a || $b |
! |
not |
!$a |
Table 3. Assignment operators
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
= |
assign |
$a = $b |
+= |
add to |
$a +=1 |
-= |
subtract from |
$a -=1 |
.= |
append |
$str.="foo" |
Table 4. Relational operators used in string context
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
eq |
equivalent |
$str eq "foo" |
ne |
not equivalent |
$str ne "foo" |
gt |
greater than |
$str gt "123" |
lt |
less than |
$str lt "123" |
ge |
greater than or equal to |
$str ge "123" |
le |
less than or equal to |
$str le "123" |
Table 5. Relational operators used in numeric context
Operator |
Meaning |
Example |
== |
equivalent |
$num == 100 |
!= |
not equivalent |
$num! = 100 |
> |
greater than |
$num>100 |
< |
less than |
$num<100 |
>= |
greater than or equal to |
$num>=100 |
<= |
less than or equal to |
$num<=100 |