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Zhanshou's CGI Tutorial

About the Author

Zhanshou Yu is a software engineer in PROS Revenue Management, a revenue management provider based in Houston, TX. He holds a M.S of Computer Science and a M.S of Civil Engineering. He can be reached from: zhanshou@hotmail.com

Background Info

This tutorial was developed in late 1997 and early 1998 when the author was working as a webmaster in College of Business, Unversity of Houston. It was first published on an IBM AIX machine with NCSA httpd webserver (which is very simailar to Apache web server). But laterly the webserver was shutdown and no longer on service. The author had to move them to Hypermart.net in mid 2001 thanks to their fully supports of CGI scripting. If there are any errors or suggestions, please feel free to send to : zhanshou@hotmail.com

Table of Contents

  1. Basic Concepts of World Wide Web
  2. Why CGI?
  3. What is CGI?
  4. Where to Put CGI Program?
  5. CGI Programming Languages
  6. HTML Forms
  7. CGI Query Acceptance and Form Submission
  8. CGI Output
  9. Introduction to PERL
  10. Variables
  11. Strings
  12. Operator
  13. Condition Statement
  14. Loops
  15. File I/O
  16. Subroutines
  17. Regular Expression
  18. Example1: Online Test
  19. Example2: Record Password Protection
  20. Example3: File Password Protection
  21. Example4: Student Information Search Engine
  22. Example5: Guestbook
  23. Setup CGI Application With Available Free CGI Scripts***
  24. Related Hotlinks