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Student Information Search Engine

In this example application we create a search engine for student information database. Student's records are stored in a file with a format as follow:
#SSN,Last Name,First Name,Major,GPA,Phone,Email

Run the Example


Here is the HTML FORM for this example:
<FORM ACTION="cgi-bin/searchEngine.pl" METHOD="POST">
<b>Enter Search Key </b><INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="keyword" SIZE="15"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Search">


The following is the Perl source code:
 #  searchEngine.pl--A Student Information Searching Engine
 #  1/6/98 by Zhanshou Yu
 #  Any comments please send to :
 #  zhanshou@hotmail.com
# Global variable , locate the database file
$DATABASE= "/home/CGITutorial/students.db";
# Get the input
#Split the name-value pairs

# Substitute special character to its original character
$value=~ tr/+/ /;
$value=~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg;

#------print the return HTML------------------
#print the MIME type
print"Content-type: text/html\n\n";
#Check whether missing search key
&missing_field('Search Keyword') unless ($value);

# Initialize match count to -1 to indicate no match.
# Open the database file for input
open(DB,"<$DATABASE") || die "Can't open $DATABASE\n";
# Loop through the database file and look for match
   # Remove the line-feed character from each record line
   # If keyword is in the current line then we found a match
   if($inline =~ /$value/i) 
     # The following line highlights the keyword in the record using HTML <B> bold
     # tag. This is not essential but makes the output looks good specially since
     # it will show clearly in bold where it found the match. You can comment out
     # this line if you feel this is something you do not want.
     $inline =~ s/$value/<b>$value<\/b>/;

     # Increment match count   
     # Store the matched record in an array.
     @matches[$count] = $inline;
# Close the database file.
# Print the HTML output header 
print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Student Information Search Results </TITLE></HEAD>\n";
print "<center><H1> Student Information Search Results</H1></center>\n";

# If count is greater than zero or equal to zero, we have at least a match
# result that needs to be displayed.
if ($count >= 0 ) 
  # Since we start counting from 0, we need to increment it before we print count.
  # This will make it more readable. 

  # Print the count summary and header
  print "The keyword <B> $value </B> matched $count record(s) in the Student Information database.";
  print "These records are as follows:<BR>\n";

  # Now we have to loop through the matches found and extract information from each
  # record and format them for output.
  foreach $record (@matches)
   # Split each record in fields.
     ($ssn,$last,$first,$major,$gpa,$phone,$email) = split(/,/,$record);

   # Print HTML formatted record
    print "<PRE>\n";
    print "SSN           : $ssn\n";
    print "Last name     : $last\n";
    print "First name    : $first\n";
    print "Major         : $major\n";
    print "GPA           : $gpa\n";
    print "Phone         : $phone\n";
    print "Email         : $email\n";
    print "</PRE><HR>\n";
 # We didn't find any match so print a sorry message.
 else {
    print "Sorry, the keyword <B> $value </B> did not match any record in the database.Please try again.";
    print "</BODY></HTML>";
#missing_field subrountine. If mission field, please enter the key word.
 sub missing_field {
  print "<html><head><Title>Student Information Search Enginer</Title></head>\n";
  print "<body><center><h1> Student Information Search Enginer</h1></center>\n";
  print "<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" bgcolor=#ffefd5>\n";
  print "<tr><TD>\n";
  #print out Form to enter keyword
  print "<FORM ACTION=\"search.pl\" METHOD=\"POST\">";
  print "<b>Please Enter Search Key </b><INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"keyword\" SIZE=\"15\">";
  print "<INPUT TYPE=\"SUBMIT\" VALUE=\"Search\">";
  print "</FORM></TD><TR></TABLE></CENTER></body></html>\n";

Program Analysis

  • (1)Invoke the Perl interpreter.

  • (2) Specify the database path and name. In our example, we put our database in a file called "students.db". Absolute path name must be specified right here. Here are all the records in the file:

  • (3) Get the input string from the form.

  • (4) Decode and parsing the input string.

  • (5) Print the HTML header.

  • (6)Call the &missing_field subrountine to display the Form again if keyword missing.

  • (7)Open the database file for reading, if failed, print error message:
    open(DB,"<$DATABASE") || die "Can't open $DATABASE\n";

  • (8)This part is the core of this program. The statement:
    Get one line each time from file and assign it to varaible $inline. Then remove the last line-feed charater from $inline:
    Now we check whether the keyword is in the current line:
    if($inline =~ /$value/i) 
    If there is a match, increment the counter and store this line(record) to an array:
       @matches[$count] = $inline;
    Loop until to the end of the file.

  • (9) Print the HTML head title, etc. tag, prepare for output content.

  • (10)if counter is greater than 0, that's mean we have at least one match. Print out all the record stored in matched array:
    foreach $record (@matches)
        ($ssn,$last,$first,$major,$gpa,$phone,$email) = split(/,/,$record);
        print "<PRE>\n";
        print "SSN           : $ssn\n";
        print "Last name     : $last\n";
        print "First name    : $first\n";
        print "Major         : $major\n";
        print "GPA           : $gpa\n";
        print "Phone         : $phone\n";
        print "Email         : $email\n";
        print "</PRE><HR>\n";
    Note that:
    ($ssn,$last,$first,$major,$gpa,$phone,$email) = split(/,/,$record);
    Split each fields in this record.

  • (11)If no match in this database, we have to say sorry.

  • (12) missing_field is a subrountine to display the input form if the keyword is missing.

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