You will find that although this unit is about
core Java programming concepts, little of this unit deals directly with object-orientation
concepts. This is because all programming languages have many core concepts, such as flow
of execution and variables, that have to be understood, before moving on to some of the
language's particular features.
You will find that what you learn from this
unit will provide the foundations for implementing the methods, variables and
message-passing of classes and objects in more complex Java programs. Also, you will learn
from this unit important aspects about the arguments and replies that are passed between
It is likely that you will not understand and
be able to apply all the concepts in this (or any other) unit straight away. Programming
is something that is learnt by doing. You will find that you need to re-visit parts of
this and other units several times. Use the review questions and unit test to gauge your
progress, and to identify topics you need to return to for further work.
Although everything you will learn in this
unit is important for Java programs, almost all of it is also relevant to all `procedural'
programming languages (`procedural' languages are those that are based on detailed
instructions executed in a specific order, such as C, C++, Pascal and Java)
Although it is vital that you understand and
apply object concepts as early as possible for this module, you will find that you can
learn a lot about Java and programming by simply working on and extending some of the
simple, single-method classes presented in this unit (i.e. by adapting the main method of
some of the examples).
You will find the module core text, Deitel
& Deitel, covers the material in the unit (and most later units) very comprehensively.
In addition to following the assigned reading for each topic, you are strongly advised to
work through the exercises and self-review exercises of each chapter. There are also many
software engineering observations and common programming error sidebars, which
collectively a synthesis of the years of programming experience of the authors.
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