Table of Contents
Introduction to unit 3 Program statement Program statements — Assigned reading Categories of program statements Compound statements Semi-colons ";" Keywords Comments Program statements — Activities, Exercises Control of execution Control of execution — Assigned reading How does the interpreter decide which statement to execute next? Where does my program start? Where does a Java application start? Where does a Java applet start? When does my program stop? When does a Java application stop? When does a Java applet stop? Event-driven programming Flow of execution Execution in sequence Branching of execution Unconditional branch in Java Unconditional branching: example Selection in Java Selection: IF Selection: IF with compound statement Program statements and control of execution concept map Control of execution ?Activities, Exercises Variables Variables — Assigned reading Variables, constants and literals Types Some primitive data types available in Java Categories of primitive type Whole number types Real number types Character types Boolean types Declaring and assigning values to variables Assigning values to variables Casting Constants Naming things in Java (identifiers) Variables ?Activities, Exercises Expressions Expressions — Assigned reading Introduction to expressions Numeric expressions Boolean expressions The similarity of the assignment and equality comparison operators Other kinds of expression Variables and Expressions concept map Expressions — Activities, Exercises Writing Interactive Programs Writing Interactive Programs - Activities Back to top
Introduction to unit 3 Program statement Program statements — Assigned reading Categories of program statements Compound statements Semi-colons ";" Keywords Comments Program statements — Activities, Exercises
Control of execution Control of execution — Assigned reading How does the interpreter decide which statement to execute next? Where does my program start? Where does a Java application start? Where does a Java applet start? When does my program stop? When does a Java application stop? When does a Java applet stop? Event-driven programming Flow of execution Execution in sequence Branching of execution Unconditional branch in Java Unconditional branching: example Selection in Java Selection: IF Selection: IF with compound statement Program statements and control of execution concept map Control of execution ?Activities, Exercises
Variables — Assigned reading Variables, constants and literals Types Some primitive data types available in Java Categories of primitive type Whole number types Real number types Character types Boolean types Declaring and assigning values to variables Assigning values to variables Casting Constants Naming things in Java (identifiers) Variables ?Activities, Exercises
Expressions — Assigned reading Introduction to expressions Numeric expressions Boolean expressions The similarity of the assignment and equality comparison operators Other kinds of expression Variables and Expressions concept map Expressions — Activities, Exercises
Writing Interactive Programs - Activities Back to top
Writing Interactive Programs - Activities
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