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Compound statements

Notice that some statements consist of more than a single line of the source file. For example the class declaration statement actually consists of the entire contents of the TicketDiscount.java source file. Likewise, the control statement 'if( age >= 60 ) ...' actually includes the statement 'System.out.println("qualifies for discount");' as well.

A compound statement is one that consists of a group of statements that are preceded with an open brace "{", and the last statement in the group followed by a close brace "}".

In the example there are 3 compound statements. The first is the class declaration itself:

class TicketDiscount


... // rest of class 


The second is the declaration of the main() method:
public static void main( String args[] )


// rest of method


The third is the set of statements to be executed if the test of age is true:
if( age >= 60 )


System.out.println( age + "is 60 or over" );

System.out.println("qualifies for discount");


This example also illustrates how compound statements can be nested, i.e. the if statement is a statement within the compound statement that is the implementation of the main() method:
public static void main( String args[] )



  if( age >= 60 )


    System.out.println( age + "is 60 or over" );

    System.out.println("qualifies for discount");


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